Best Magento Security Extensions for your Online Store

E-commerce business is increasing swiftly, and numerous people rush to e-commerce websites to buy products they need. Several new business owners are making an entry into e-commerce business, and it is natural that thousands of servers are working 24*7 to protect the private information of customers.

When you have an E-commerce store with Magento, you need to take all possible steps to secure your site against online security vulnerabilities because hackers continuously try to hack your E-stores for their own benefits. Losing the trust of your customers only because of a single security breach can destroy your business and your site may end up on search engines “blacklist”. Nevertheless, there are several Magento extensions, using which you can protect your site against online security attacks. Some  of the best Magento extensions for security are detailed here below:


1) Spam Killer

Best Magento Security Extensions - Point 1Spam Killer is an awesome security extension in Magento which is easy to install and for this, you don’t need to have deep technical expertise. It doesn’t require any kind of Captcha or front-end editing, and it decreases the total time consumed in the moderation of reviews by customers on your Magento Store. When you use this extension, Spam hitting on your store is reduced significantly, which enhances the overall performance of your site and awards you with a positive impact on leads, search rankings, customer’s satisfaction, etc.

Download: mgt-commerce | Cost: Free

2) MageFirewall Security

Best Magento Security Extensions - Point 2This extension stops multiple types of online attacks that can take place on your E-store. Since it comes with a file modification detector, you can easily find out who is trying to modify your file. It examines the Apache2 web server continuously and embargoes the hackers if any. In fact, both the MageFiewall Security and Ninja Firewall share the same security rules.

Thus, it sanitizes both the uploaded data and cookies of the site. You can even scan the latest version of Magento to detect any type of a security threat within your site using this extension.

Download: Magento Connect | Cost: Free

3) Two-Factor Authentication

Best Magento Security Extensions - Point 3This extension increases the level of admin security up to a great extent. Actually, it acts as a solution for the better management of the back-end of your Magento e-shop. It ensures that only you can access your site’s admin area, not anyone else. This extension also protects the PHP and HTML codes from outside attacks. Once you install this extension, you require a security key to login into your site. You can use one OTP only once for a limited time span to log into your account.

Download: Magento Connect | Cost: Free

4) IP Security

Best Magento Security Extensions - Point 4IP Security protects your site entirely from malicious IPs. It prevents IPs that make use of fake and stolen credit card. With the help of this extension, you can stop people from posting irrelevant content on your e-store – this step is important because an ill-fitted content can damage the online presence of your web store.

Since the developers behind this extension keep on evolving its inbuilt capabilities, it automatically eliminates the possibility of severing hijacks and bandwidth timeouts which may lead to a complete shutdown of your store. The extension notifies you via emails to let you know about remind them about any suspicious activity in the blocking rule.

Download: Magento Connect | Cost: Free

5) SecureTrading

Best Magento Security Extensions - Point 5The SecureTrading Payment Pages (STPP) permit traders to get online payments with full security. When they use this extension, merchants don’t need to make their payment pages PCI-compliant because customers are redirected to the servers of the SecureTrading before capturing the card details.  The payment pages allow traders to offer an uninterrupted payment experience with the use of JavaScript,  custom CSS, and iframes.

Download: Magento Connect | Cost: Free

6) Secure Frontend Cookie

Best Magento Security Extensions - Point 6This extension permits you to secure the frontend cookie for stores that will run the whole site on HTTPS. When you install it, you have an extra alternative to turning on secure cookies under System > Configuration > Web > Session Cookie Management in the Magento admin panel.

Download: Magento Connect | Cost: Free

7) Easy Contact Form Captcha

Best Magento Security Extensions - Point 7Online store owners get spam emails from their default Magento contact us form. Spam emails divert your attention from important emails, and it could be a potential danger to your server. Easy Contact Form Captcha keeps you away from this problem. This extension allows e-commerce store owner to incorporate a contact/inquiry or website feedback form on their website in an easy way and receive appropriate emails only. It protects your Magento eCommerce site from automated spam messages or spam bots.

Download: Magento Connect | Cost: Free


Best Magento Security Extensions - conclusionE-commerce websites are a key target for online fraudsters, and you need to be extremely careful about the security of the thousands of credit card details and other personal information stored on your Magento site’s server. If you use above-mentioned security extensions for Magento, you can cover up all holes in your site’s security and can assure your customers about the safe online transaction on your E-shop. Once the customer is convinced about the safety of his/her confidential data on your site’s server, he/she will love to make several transactions on your site and will also refer others. (about your E-store).

This article is written by Emily Benson. She is an experienced CMS developer with over 5 years’ experience. She is currently working for an HTML to Magento Company, HireMagentoGeeks Ltd. While she is not coding, she enjoys writing articles on CMS, Web Development etc.
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