Important Android Security Vulnerabilities to Keep your Eye On

The Android security system is one of the much debated topics of today. Are they secured enough? Should you have some extra security apps installed on them? The truth is that the security system on androids is quite strong. It has a multiple layers of protection and keeps malware away. It asks for your permission before doing almost anything.

So, one of the most important things with Android security is to be careful when giving it permission to do something. Yet again, there are some things that you have absolutely no control of. Some security breaches can happen due to a lapse in the device itself. Cyber criminals are always ready to take advantage of such problems. There were a few security breaches in 2014, which exposed much of the victims’ personal information.

Here are some of the biggest Android Security Vulnerabilities, that you should keep your eye on.

Vulnerability 1 :: MMS dangerous content

Android Security Vulnerabilities - Point 1There was a big discussion about a problem with Stagefright, a native android media player. There were some problems connected to this app that affected almost 95% of Androids. It affected all of the Android phones that run anything from Froyo 2.2 to Lollipop 5.1.1. The biggest issue was that an attacker could steal data from any Android just by sending a multimedia message to the victim.

So all the attacker needs is your phone number and he is ready to steal your personal information. How this works is that when Android receives a video message it starts downloading it automatically. As soon as it is downloaded, the attacker’s job is done and he can access all of your personal information. The only way you can deal with this is to disable the automatic download of multimedia messages and delete it manually if you get one.

For most of the androids, you should do the following: Settings >Default applications > Messages, if you want to disable the option for automatic download of multimedia messages.

Android Security Vulnerabilities - MMS dangerous content

Vulnerability 2 :: Fingerprint scanners

Android Security Vulnerabilities - Point 2You have probably never thought about this. But the truth is that an attacker can get your fingerprints from the scanner on your Android. This vulnerability was reported by researchers Tao Wei and Yulong Zhang from FireEye and has been a major issue ever since. It was tested right after it was reported and it turns out that a very good hacker can do this quite easily.

The biggest problem that can arise from this is the identity theft. This is even worse than the password theft since the fingerprints are for a lifetime and you cannot alter it. This is something that mobile phone designers should definitely pay more attention on. Androids should be more secure from possible breaches like this. The best thing you can do about this is to keep your Android up to date. When updating, your security system is upgraded as well, and your Android will be safer.

Android Security Vulnerabilities - Fingerprint scanners

Vulnerability 3 :: Luring to a dangerous websites

Android Security Vulnerabilities - Point 3This is something where you play a big role in. Androids are made in such a way that they always ask you whether they should enter a website if it seems potentially dangerous. If you click yes, you will enter the site and chances are you might pick up a virus. Therefore, it is always the best option not to enter the site if it seems dangerous, unless you really have to.

Most of the Androids today have solid security systems for recognizing potential malware and you will always be informed if a site is dangerous. If your phone is a bit older its security system may not be so powerful. Maybe the best idea would be to visit some online mobile shops and find a new Android, which will provide you with more safety. Then, you will always know if a website may infect your phone and will not choose to enter it. Obviously, the most recent Androids have the best security systems.

Conclusion (Android Security Vulnerabilities):

Android Security Vulnerabilities - ConclusionToday, when there are so many options for cyber criminals, you are hardly ever safe. Especially when we are talking about devices such as Androids, there is always a way they can get to you. There are some flaws with Androids, but it is the good thing that they have been noted. There will definitely be a way to be completely safe from these security breaches. Just keep your Android up to date and you will have the best security system possible.

This article is written by Neil Adams. He is an Australia based entrepreneur and aspiring writer who’s been running his own online business for five years now. His interests are in the fields of marketing, startup culture, mobile development and apps. He writes for Find him on Facebook or Twitter.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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