5 Staple Channels for Digital Marketing – More They Change, More They Remain Same

If you want to make it big in the industry, you need solid marketing services. However, with the constantly evolving digital world, things are rapidly changing and it’s difficult to say what works. Brings me to the dictum “The more things change, the more they remain the same”. And in our world, this means that the staple digital channels you use to market your product and build your brand will continue to be what we’ve outlined below. Of course, the techniques have changed – Google has changed its algorithm to weed out weak content, Facebook does more algorithm-based newsfeed than curated ones, social media sites have updated themselves to remove spammy links. Each platform is progressing, but the set of platforms are still largely the same. If you’re not using the best expertise available for leveraging these channels, you’re making a huge mistake. So, here we go!

1. Social Media Marketing:

5 Staple Channels for Digital Marketing - Social Media Marketing

No matter how much times have changed, marketers still use social media channels to drive traffic to their websites. However, their tactics have changed. Almost every brand is now on social media, and there is incredible competition. Several new and large social media platforms have emerged. Years ago, there were mainly Facebook and Twitter. Now, there is Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat and several other channels. eMarketer predicts social network ad spending will reach $35.98 billion in 2017, which will make up 16% of all global digital ad spend. Are you aware of the vast outreach of social media and have you taken enough steps to make sure your brand gets full visibility?

2. Email Marketing:

5 Staple Channels for Digital Marketing - email-marketing

Emails were born in the 70’s! After more than 35 years, they are still a popular source of communication – in fact, the main source of communication for many businesses. Online businesses generally depend on emails, and email marketing is among the most efficient methods of online marketing in 2015. Two billion people in the world will have smartphones in 2016. The default communication tool in B2B will continue to still be EMAIL. The List Still Rules!

3. Search:

5 Staple Channels for Digital Marketing - SEO Search

This is certainly the ONE thing that you can’t afford to ignore. Every month, 1.17 billion people search on Google! More than half this came from mobile. Clearly, Mobile+Search is emerging as a front door for user experience. That means – don’t ignore SEO or SEM. Your web content needs to be targeted around users as well as search engines. With the right keyword usage and the right content, you can hit it well with your users and search engine robots. Google has been continuously improving its search algorithm and ranking to ensure your website gives great user experience. Build a great experience for your target user and search engines will like your site!

4. Mobile Advertising:

5 Staple Channels for Digital Marketing - Mobile Marketing

With the rising use of mobile devices, a number of shoppers use their phones for shopping purposes. You can reach these users effectively via mobile advertising campaigns and targeted ads. There are users who prefer using their phones instead of computers for searching purposes. There are several native ad formats that are tuned and tweaked for various platforms. With the now famous AdBlocker technology, native formats stand at an advantage and can deliver a great experience to the user. Consumers in the US spend $9 trillion based on what they see and learn from advertising, so this is a space that will be hotly contested for years to come.

5. Web Design:

5 Staple Channels for Digital Marketing - Web-Designing

How do you remember a company today? More often than not, with its website. It’s the first thing that draws people towards your website. Even if you have the right SEO and content, if your web design is tacky and puts users off, you can’t expect a lot of conversions. There are, believe it or not, over 980 million websites in the world today. When there are a couple billion people accessing the internet, cutting through the clutter asks for a great website!

So there you go – the 5 staple and must-use channels for any business looking to reach users digitally.

author-image-sridhar-ranganathanThis article is written by Sridhar Ranganathan. He is the Cofounder and CEO of Credibase.com, the discovery and insights platform for businesses. On Credibase, marketing professionals are discovering and connecting with the right service providers and agencies. Service providers are discovering prospects and leads, and connecting with the decision makers.

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Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".