10 Best Resources for CakePHP Development & Programming

CakePHP as a framework has been made easy with time by the community of developers who have years of experience working with the technology. The contribution of developers and experts has been focused towards fraternity goals and is available to you in comprehensive packages and easy-to-learn environments. Some of them are official and some are just the most famous places to grab information online. These amazing resources have been exemplifying in the way they offer you with the core knowledge and tips on the technology and allow you the ease of picking up things for your use. Let’s have a look:

1. CakePHP Manual

CakePHP 01The first place to hit the block is always the official Manual of CakePHP where you get the most authentic and related information of its kind. Not just the codes but the practices and documentations are all available here. You can rely on what all information you get from here that is well-segregated in easy parts talking about Consoles and Shells, MVC, Core Libraries, Development and Installation and more.

2. CakePHP online API

CakePHP 02Learning about the APIs is easy with the reference platform offered by API repository of CakePHP official. Here you get every detail about the latest APIs available in a collection of API packages. You get to see everything sorted under separate sections like Packages, Classes, Interfaces, Exceptions and Functions.

3. CakePHP Plugins and packages

CakePHP 03Another wonderful piece of work by CakePHP to support its buffet of plugins! It is a directory representing a host of plugins and tools placed under different categories like Admin Interface, Forms, Reporting, Maps, Messaging, Utility, SEO and Security etc. You are allowed to search them even by directly entering the name of the resource you already know. If you don’t, it has auto-listing offered in the main category to which the Plug-in belongs.

4. CakePHP Google Group

CakePHP 04This is almost as popular as the other official forums for CakePHP help. Google allows you to participate as an author to the posts and contribute to different topics listed in the order of latest post received. The topics shared undergo strict moderation as per Google’s standards for relevance, importance and of course spamming, so you always get to find the right information in least efforts.

5. Stackoverflow

CakePHP 05No seasoned developer is unaware of this name. You would like the way it presents the whole fleet of questions that covers the information on various CakePHP topics. It allows you to easily search for the information looking for the most voted, most active, newest, and even the least unanswered ones, encouraging it to be a more interactive platform for developers.

6. Github

CakePHP 06GitHub has emerged as one of the largest professional network for developers to see the latest developments in and around all leading technologies. It has really been a commendable platform for novice developers who are trying to catch up with experienced professionals and learn on how to deal with issues they confront developing applications on CakePHP.

7. CakePHP Facebook Groups

CakePHP 07The most populated social networking site of the world is also known for its productive communities and CakePHP is no behind in making its presence count here. On Facebook you find more of the announcements and alerts for training and release dates. The quality you get here makes it the most meaningful social community to sense and share information.

8. Quora

CakePHP 08Quora is the best thing happened to the question-answer forums managed at a professional plain. If you have question for which you are not able to find answer anywhere, Quora is the best place for you. Just place your question on board and you will get comments and answers from the fellow community members helping you with all you need.

9. CakePHP Google+ Community

CakePHP 09The next best social sharing platform after Facebook! Google+ makes no mistake in making it equally helpful however. You get to choose options to share and update information and make it virtually available across all Google supported networks. So you get more, investing fewer efforts.

10. YouTube

CakePHP 10No one would deny to the fact that learning a new technology through a video tutorial is most easy. And CakePHP Channel on YouTube nowhere leaves you disappointed in that aspect. There are uploads on CakeFest, Interviews, How-It-Works and a lot of topics featuring the interactive recordings on live task handling and development scenarios.

This article is written by Ana Elena Foster. She is a senior technical writer at CakePHPExpert. She is contributing to the industry since 2008 with her profound knowledge in CakePHP web development, design and technology related content to provide industry insights and personal thoughts on latest topics. Follow her in Twitter, Facebook & Google+.

Disclosure: Some of our articles may contain affiliate links; this means each time you make a purchase, we get a small commission. However, the input we produce is reliable; we always handpick and review all information before publishing it on our website. We can ensure you will always get genuine as well as valuable knowledge and resources.
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Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".