Top 10 Magento Extensions for Your eCommerce Site

When it comes to eCommerce platforms Magento offers comprehensive coverage of business functionality. However, often times the basic setup does not provide all the necessary tools needed to approach certain challenges in business. Depending on the requirement, you may have to use Magento addons – which are offered by third-party developers to better manage your operations – be it product catalogs, orders, email, finances, etc.

To make it easier for you, we have listed below our top 10 picks for Magento extensions that will surely give your online retail efforts a boost.

1. Magento WordPress Integration


This extension is, by far, the most popular among all the other Magento extensions. It integrates the best eCommerce platform with the best blogging platform turning it into the very holistic marketing tool you have been waiting ever since you have thought about promoting your eCommerce site. So just give it a try.

2. MagentoSEO (Search Engine Optimization)


One of the biggest challenges faced by entrepreneurs is grabbing the first page of the Google search engine. However, that is only possible when you have the right on-page structure with properly optimized keywords. Additionally, Google does not support having multiple results for the same page in their search engine (they consider this being spam) and this will only mean they will penalize your site’s overall ranking. Thankfully, we have the MageWorx SEO Suite Ultimate, an extension allowing you to have a proper on-page structure with the feature optimizing the keywords as well as enhancing the duplicate content issue.

3. Search Pro Extension


Magneto’s standard search functionality has somewhat lagged behind although it may be good when used for a small scale business. If you want something hybrid to give yourself the competitive advantage, something which will surely draw that cold sweat out from your rival’s forehead, this is none other than Amasty’s Search Pro extension, this extension enhances search functionality by allowing Magento to search through your product attributes system to further match up search keywords with your product.

4. One Step Checkout


Yet another terrific Magento extension software created by Amasty. This extension allows your customers to check-in and out from your site rapidly and makes your website user-friendly. This tool also helps you to enhance your Customer Relationship Management (CRM).

5. SERP Editor


A search engine results page (SERP) is the list of web pages returned by a search engine in response to a keyword query.With this extension, you will get the best click-through rate by editing the SERP’s tool to get organic visitors by the search engine. This, in turn, will help you to reach your target customer and also observe their consumer behavior.

6. Turn Your Guest Users into Registered User


One of the major concerns for any entrepreneur is retaining the customers. For those affiliated in eCommerce, the “Convert Guest Checkout Customers to Registered Customers” extension allows the site owner to register to visit entrants into the website. This, in turn, makes the guest users into potential customers.

7. The Magneto Reward Tool


Everyone loves reward especially if you provide some additional incentives, in the form of reward points, to your customers, they will turn loyal and your reward will be the receipts from their impulse purchase. Sweet Tooth Rewards Points System is the tool for you, use it and know the difference.

8. Delete Orders


Magento doesn’t permit you to delete orders. You can only mark it to “Cancelled”. The Delete Orders extension allows you to seamlessly delete any order. This, in turn, allows efficient management of your inventory so as to reduce unnecessary wastage and cost from occurring.

9. Magento’s Social Network Integration Extension


With Magento’s Social Networking Extension you will be able to engage in online marketing by connecting to popular social media like Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, Twitter, etc. Install this extension and wait for that power of “word of mouth” to take your business to new heights.

10. Yotpo Product Reviews


Good reviews boost sales and when you have the most feasible extension available for your customers, they will be indulged into providing their opinions and reviews. Do not take bad reviews negatively; rather use them to improve your business.

With the emergence of eCommerce, the e-entrepreneurs need to upgrade their business so as to grab the customer’s attention. By utilizing all these extensions we have mentioned, you too can add sparks to your web store and success will eventually be, within your grasp.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".