7 Tools & Platforms to Help You Recruit Your Employee Online

Every business must hire new staff at some time during their operations. Hiring a recruitment agency can be expensive, especially for the startups. Thanks to a number of recruitment platforms, and other supporting tools, a small business can now select the best candidates effectively and efficiently. Here are the top 7 tools to help you recruit your employee online:

1. LinkedIn Talent Solutions

Recruit Employee Online - Point 1LinkedIn works more like a social networking website. LinkedIn Talent service provides access to the largest talent networks in the world. When using Tools like LinkedIn Recruiter, it will help you during sourcing since the Jobs Network can aid you to target that right person in case of a career opening. Through these Career Pages, you will highlight the culture of your company to improve brand awareness for potential employees. It also makes recruitment easier since all job seekers have their online LinkedIn profiles.

2. HRMarketer

Recruit Employee Online - Point 2HRMarketer is a good online tool to help you recruit your employees. It helps you understand the skills of the employees before hiring them. It works in a simple way since all you have to do is to check the employee’s profiles while interviewing before hiring the top candidate.

3. iCIMS Recruit

Recruit Employee Online - Point 3iCIMS Recruit is another applicant database and tracking system that allows companies to move recruiting from a paper-based system to a more streamlined digital solution. With the automated communications, integration with the social networks and streamlined workflows, it is a great solution for all businesses regardless of the size. iCIMS provides modules for branding through social media connection called iCIMS Connect and a new hire onboarding has known as iCIMS Onboard.

4. RolePoint

Recruit Employee Online - Point 4RolePoint works to help in recruitment as a solution provider, by maximizing and optimizing recruiting results specifications to the 2 most common sources namely internal mobility and referrals. They work well for those businesses that want the best solutions. It is efficient during online recruitment.

5. Jobvite

Recruit Employee Online - Point 5Jobvite is one social recruiting as well as applicant tracking solution with numerous modules. Jobvite Refer can taps into social Web to get candidates while Jobvite Engage can build talent bench of these candidates, and Jobvite Hire automatically hire an applicant tracking and finally Jobvite Video does the on-demand process of video interviewing.

6. Psychometric and Skill Testing – Mettl

Recruit Employee Online - Point 6Learning about behavioral, decision-making and leadership traits before hiring anyone is key. Psychometric and skill testing can be expensive when done traditionally, but online options such as Mettle are affordable. You will understand the personality of the applicant before hiring them since you will make a perfect decision easily. One must offer a pragmatic interpretation in the report by a qualified psychologist.

7. Free Background Check

Recruit Employee Online - Point 7Before hiring new recruits, it is a common practice to do a standard background check. Most of the firms and companies do background checks via verification agencies. But with this background checking platform, it can be done within minutes. Besides checking vital information, you can get a report on social media profiles as well.

Recruit Employee Online - conclusionIn conclusion, the above is a review of the top 7 tools to help you recruit your employee online that can help a small business during the recruitment process.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".