5 Things that Make Mobistealth Better than Other Spy Apps for Android

In the saturated spy software market, it takes more than a few enticing features to truly stand out. After all, people never want to waste their money on a tool that puts them at a risk of getting exposed for engaging in a practice that they want to keep a secret. The last few years have seen the growth and decline of a large number of spying tools. Only a few of them have managed to keep pace with the changing demands of the market. Among these apps, Mobistealth remains significantly prominent. At first glance, it comes off as just another spy app offering nothing out of the ordinary. However, once you actually dig deeper into the nifty app that is when you begin to unravel its potential and realize what a huge jackpot you’ve hit.

Mobistealth android spy app

1) The Ultimate Detective:

Mobistealth android spy app - Point 1Mobistealth is adept at sneaking into someone’s phone and revealing their dirty secrets. It lets you view everything from their browsing history and SMS conversations to the pictures and videos stored on their phone. Whether it’s a child you’re keeping an eye on, an employee who never completes his work on time or a cheating partner that you’re looking to catch red-handed, this powerful spy app lets you do that with unprecedented ease. Simply head over to http://www.mobistealth.com/android-spy-software, download the app to the target device, follow the given instructions, and you’re set. What sets it apart is its ease of use and advanced features.

2) Ears Everywhere:

Mobistealth android spy app - Point 2Mobistealth makes you feel that you are virtually present with the person you want to spy on. It acts as your ears, letting you listen to even the most private conversations without getting caught. It records calls and uploads them to your user account, ensuring that you do not miss even a single word of the conversation. In the same way, it also records the surroundings to keep you aware of the kind of environment and company the person you’re keeping tabs on is in. This is something, not every spy app offers. What makes Mobistealth a gem is the fact that unlike other apps featuring a similar feature, it doesn’t raise any suspicion by affecting the call quality or making a beeping sound while recording calls.

3) A Reliable Radar:

Mobistealth android spy app - Point 3While traditional spy apps fail to track the location in the absence of GPS, Mobistealth isn’t bound by any such limitations. It never disappoints you as it picks signals from a nearby Wi-Fi network or radio tower. This is by far one of the most popular features among employers who make sure their mobile workforce is not using the time away from office premises to fulfil personal commitments. Of course, the feature works just as well for paranoid parents who are constantly worrying about their kids’ safety. In other words, it is virtually present with the person you want to keep tabs on 24/7. It also allows you to get location alerts after predetermined intervals, a feature that has taken spying to the whole new level.

4) No More Rooting Headaches:

Mobistealth android spy app - Point 4Most of the spy apps claim that they do not require rooting the Android device but the reality often turns out to be completely different. These apps require you to root the device to enjoy their advanced features. Mobistealth is among those few apps that let you enjoy all its features without rooting the device. Rooting is somewhat complicated and, therefore, intimidating for people who aren’t very tech-savvy. Fortunately, this spy app doesn’t burden you with an unnecessary prerequisite. Isn’t it great?

5) Never Leaves You Out in the Cold:

Mobistealth android spy app - Point 5Most spy app vendors offer no or limited after-sales customer services, leaving buyers frustrated as they have nowhere to go in case of confusion or problem. Mobistealth team understands the value of its customers and, therefore, stays by their side all the time. It has a large team of professional, experienced and friendly customer service representatives who are ready to serve you anytime you want. Mobistealth offers live chat, support tickets and phone support so that you can use whatever option you find convenient to contact the help desk. This feature may seem ordinary but it proves to be quite helpful, especially if you are using the spy app for the first time in your life.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".