Smart Home Technologies That Are Improving Everyday Life

Smart technology has revolutionized many industries and aspects of our lives. In efforts to keep up with the fast-paced and busy way of life in the 21st century, it has brought us convenience and comfort.

We rely on technology a lot, and the market and the industry are well aware of that. Every day we see new gadgets being released and updated, each one smarter and more efficient than the other.

To find out what are some of the best pieces of smart technology that can benefit your home, read on:

Smart Home Assistant


Amazon Alexa, Google Home, and Apple HomeKit are all smart personal home assistants. They function as main control systems to which you can connect most or all of your other smart gadgets and appliances.

With these intelligent assistants, you can automate your home and control nearly every aspect of it – from lighting and heating to unlocking your doors, and many others. They are voice-activated, they listen to your commands, and can even provide you with some information when asked.

When buying a home assistant and smart gadgets or appliances, make sure that they are compatible. In other words, if you have, for example, Amazon Alexa, make sure that the new gadgets you buy can connect with it. Some pieces of smart tech are compatible with only one assistant, and some with all of them.

Recommended for you: Top 5 Benefits of Installing Smart Home Technology.

Smart Security


When it comes to smart security, technology has made it easier to control and protect different aspects of your home and increase home safety. You can have a better preview of what is going on inside and outside your house, and receive instant alerts of suspicious or unusual activity.

With smart locks, such as August Smart Lock, you can turn your phone into a virtual key and never have to worry whether you forgot to lock the door behind you. It will lock automatically, and it even alerts you if you’ve left your door ajar. Apart from that, it can record when the door was locked or unlocked. So, you can keep track of who and when entered your home.

Nest Protect, a smart smoke detector, can detect smoke and carbon monoxide, and keep you safe from fires. CO is a very harmful and toxic gas, one that we are unable to smell and detect. That is why it is very important and convenient to have a smart home detector. It can also be integrated with your other devices, and alert you in case of emergencies.

Mr. Jordan Carter, the expert blogger from Gear Hungry, recommends the Arlo Q security camera from Netgear. As he mentioned in his article,

“Netgear’s Arlo Q security camera is one of the best at the moment. Apart from the excellent video quality during both day and night, it has motion sensors and a lot of storage space. You can feel safe from intruders because it also sends instant alarms when anything unusual is detected.”

Smart Appliances

Smart Home - Smart Products

Another inevitable part of a smart home is smart appliances that make our everyday chores and routine much faster and efficient. With them, you are less likely to make a mistake, burn your food, or forget to buy groceries.

The Anova Precision Cooker allows you the cook the best and juiciest meals. It cooks at precise temperatures, adapts its setting for specific meals and can be controlled through an app.

Fridges have also become so advanced and innovative that they can even keep tabs on which groceries you need or are about to run out of. They now come with numerous cooling options and storage spaces.

Smart HVAC and Thermostats


Smart HVAC systems now allow you to heat or cool your home with maximum efficiency. You no longer have to rely on one universal setting for your entire home. You can customize it to suit each room and space individually. These intelligent systems track temperatures in every room and set them at the needed value.

There are some rooms that need less heating or cooling than the others, due to their position, amount of natural light that comes in, and similar factors. With smart HVAC you will, therefore, waste less energy on those spaces and save money along the way.

Smart thermostats work on a similar principle. They will adjust your indoor temperature according to the outdoor temperature, as well as according to your own personal tendencies and habits. They can be set to automatically turn off when you’re not home and turn back on just before you arrive. Smart thermostats are very practical and simple to use. They are an affordable investment and will also save you both money and energy.

You may also like: 10 Excellent Smart Home Gadgets You Can Buy.


Smart Home Technologies That Are Improving Everyday Life - conclusion

These, and many more gadgets, devices, and appliances have made it possible to connect and integrate practically your entire house. By upgrading and automating your home there is less possibility for security risks and any kind of safety hazards. You can instantly be alerted and see what is going on.

Apart from security, technology has inevitably brought more comfort into our lives. Through simple voice commands, or apps on our phones we can control nearly any aspect of our home.

This article is written by Matthew James. Matt is a freelance writer specialized in home improvement, smart technology, architecture & design. He has a love of outdoors and spending time with his dog Cooper. You can reach him on Facebook and Instagram, and visit his website.

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Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".