Shopware Web Development: Everything You Need to Know to Build a Site That Converts

There are online stores with millions of turnovers, and tens and hundreds of thousands of visitors per day, and those are visited only by their owner and two managers. There are successful projects, and there are all others. Whom would you like to be like? Those who decide to use Shopware as an e-commerce platform for web development solutions will get a highly functional system with many functions and features.

The company has also improved the simplicity and ease of use in its latest version of Shopware 6. But using this platform does not mean that the store will stand out from the competition and convert well.

Today we will talk with you about all the secrets of how to create an online store that can increase the number of conversions. If you are not sure that you will be able to cope with this task on your own, we recommend contacting a company. Professionals who would have all the necessary knowledge to create a truly profitable project will be happy to help you turn your idea into reality. Are you ready to read our tips? We are starting!

Contact web development agency specialized in Shopware


At a time when the number of online purchases around the world is growing every day, not ordering a website development means knowingly admitting that you are inferior to your competitors. The created web platform for your online store is not just the face of your business on the Internet, but also a convenient solution to many business tasks, an opportunity to become more customer-oriented for your audience, study it and optimize sales.

The answer is yes when asked if you need to hire professional developers to create your eCommerce platform! High-quality professional development of an online store is the key to a successful business prospect. Therefore, it is better not to save on ordering competent specialists. Think about an agency that would do all the work efficiently and in a short time. Learn about their previous experience and read comments and reviews.

A good agency should provide services for:

  • Building a website for your online trading.
  • Services of UI and UX designers.
  • Platform testing services.
  • Consulting and audit.
  • Integrations to provide payment methods.

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Choosing a theme that is good for conversions


How your online store looks and its functionality depends on the choice of theme. Shopware has an incredible array of themes that can be found both on the website and online. Let’s find out what two types of themes exist:

  • Standard theme. It is set by default, as it is the main theme of the interface.
  • Custom theme. If you decide to create your theme, then you can make a more unique and personalized site that fits perfectly with your business. You can use various design elements etc. to stand out as much as possible.

At first glance, it may seem that creating a custom theme is not difficult, but it is not. This is a complex process that requires the professional skills of an experienced developer. Therefore, do not hesitate, but ask for help from someone who has experience in development, then you can achieve the desired result and bring your idea to life in the best possible way.

Customize the filtering option for convenience


Site filters are a tool that simplifies navigation through an online store, helps the user find the product they need, improves behavioral characteristics, and can improve the visibility of the site in the search. A properly configured and designed filter shortens the user’s path, increases the conversion rate, and can increase the average check as it is one of the key factors in online commerce that affect the efficiency and productivity of an online store.

The two most common approaches to filter menu design are:

  • Left sidebar.
  • Horizontally below the site header.

You can combine both of these approaches to simplify and speed up the search for the right product.

​​Based on the types of products, you need to create and develop filters that will cover all possible user searches. For example, filters by color, size, price, brand rating, and others. If your online store does not have many products, you can implement only basic filters. However, the more diverse the products you sell, the more filters you need for more convenient site navigation.

Implementation of Google Analytics


Once the Shopware store is ready, the next step is to set up the analytics. Marketing analytics helps to evaluate the result of advertising campaigns and the work of the eCommerce platform in general. With analytics systems, you’ll find out from which channel the most leads come, how much is spent on advertising, whether customers return for repeat purchases, and much more.

Set up e-commerce in Google Analytics and see orders received, conversions, average checks, and top products. Let’s determine the initial indicators of the store’s efficiency. These are just some of the metrics you need to track in your online store. In parallel with the growth of orders, the number of monitored indicators will increase:

  • Site attendance — how many customers visited the site per day and month?
  • Traffic sources — the most popular channels through which customers get to the site.
  • The number of orders — how many purchases have been made?
  • Conversion to order — what percentage of site visitors make a purchase?
  • Abandoned carts — users who started the checkout process and did not complete it.
  • Average check.

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SEO plays a very important role


“Developing an online store is only half the job. For the site to start making a profit, search engines must include it in their catalog, and for users to be able to freely search for it in search results.” – as mentioned by Igor Iemelianov, the CEO & Founder of IT Delight, in a recent interview.

To achieve this, your online store will need optimization. In the marketing strategy of an online store, SEO occupies an important place. This channel does not give an instant result, but without an SEO promotion plan, it is difficult to imagine the full operation of your store.

In Shopware, the necessary tools for SEO are already implemented and you do not have to spend money on audits and refinements. You can immediately implement all recommendations, fill in meta tags and fill pages with content. Thanks to high-quality search engine optimization, you will have constant traffic on your site, which can be converted into leads, buyers, or subscribers.

Setup of payment and shipping method


The more delivery and payment methods an online store can offer, the better because the buyer can choose the most optimal option for himself.

Shopware has various shipping methods, and here are the main ones:

  • Standard shipping.
  • Alternative delivery.
  • Delivery with an additional fee.
  • Discount shipping.

A complicated order payment process and a small number of methods lead to abandoned carts. To increase the transaction rate, one solution is to allow the buyer to pay online.

Shopware offers the following payment methods:

  • Reserve payment.
  • Standard payment.

Take care of the performance of the online store


The main goal of any online store is to attract more potential customers and get more sales with the lowest advertising budget. The most important task is not to increase traffic per se, but to improve the conversion rate of visitors into buyers. And one of the proven and reliable ways to increase sales is to improve the performance of your online store.

Online stores with low performance and slow pages will get low conversion rates in SERPs. As a result, the business will overtake competitors. Website optimization for both desktop and mobile versions is very important. It depends on how well it is configured, and whether the user would like to interact with the site. And with Shopware, you won’t have any problems with this, as it has an excellent level of performance and speed.

Don’t forget about security


The safety of online store customers is, first of all, the safety of personal data and payments of buyers. Here’s what you can do to stay safe:

  • Monitor for updates and update your CMS regularly.
  • Use complex passwords and change them regularly and refuse dangerous protocols.
  • Use two-factor authentication wherever possible.
  • And of course, make regular backups and be sure to test your backups for functionality.

By choosing Shopware, you get a reliable partner by your side. It tries to get better every day and improves security with every update. High investment security is due to the reliability of Shopware as a supplier and comprehensive services.

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Final thoughts


This concludes our list of tips for creating the most successful online store. With their help, you can make your Shopware store more productive, versatile, and individual, and increase the number of conversions. By working on improving your store and following our advice, you will be able to achieve an increase in profits. This is an opportunity to turn your online store into a place where the user will enjoy returning.

Of course, following all these rules is not the secret key to a world where your online store has thousands of successful sales every day. But now you at least know what to build on. To perform all these actions as correctly and efficiently as possible, contact professional developers, they will do this work efficiently and in a short time.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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