Print Media Business in Digital Age: Tips to Survive in 2019-2020

With the ever-increasing internet trends, the news industry is suffering from rough decades. The reason behind, people rather than paying for newspapers, prefer to check the latest updates on Google, Yahoo, Facebook and on other online portals. This effect the print media industry by declines in print industry revenues, drop down of ad incomes, decrease in employment trends for journalists as well as a high range of newspaper units shut down.

To come out of such situation, print media requires to follow a set of high-quality strategies to compete with across border rivals. In this write-up let’s discuss some tips that will help the digital market to survive in 2019-2020.

1. Build A Healthy Relationship with Customers

Customer Client Relationship

The first and the most important tip for print media is to build a great bonding with their customers. Because if your relationship with the customer will be deeper means they will be more loyal to print publication. So, in order to build a healthy relationship, you must provide them with high-quality content about specific interest areas. This will give stiff competition to digital media to deep dive extend those relationships.

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2. Reinvent Your Content Techniques

effective good quality content

The second-best tips for print media survival are to make valid changes in their content formation techniques. So, you must write custom contents which are based on consumer insights and can help in lead generation. You should also write about new offers in your premium content category based on market survey. Print media can also eliminate the section that does not drive significant readership and advertisement. The New York Time, which cut the number of physical sections of the newspaper to combine business and sports for better results.

3. Check New Revenue Gateways


For the survival of any business, money plays a significant role. Same the case with print media. Do you know the major portion of print publications comes from their advertisements? Yes, it’s true. But due to the declining trend of newspapers, their income from all sources also decreasing. To overcome such situations, print media need to establish themselves simultaneously in the field of digital marketing. It will help the print media companies to pursue both sources of revenue in the digital age. Moreover, as per the study, you will not face all or nothing approach between ad-supported and paid content models.

4. Use Innovative Ideas for Price and Product

Print Media Business in Digital Age - Idea

With the emergence of smart technology, almost all print industry is worried about the changing scenario of print media. So, to deal with this, print media must come forward with some more innovative techniques and provide the users with relevant content. For this, you can create own applications that work well with mobiles and other devices. To generate revenue, you can also charge some nominal amount for registration before using it. The New York Times is the perfect example in this context that charge from its users for reading their web content. Apart from adding a single column, you can add multiple columns according to content specialization like social media, personalization, recommendation engines, video players, comparison shopping, photo sharing, and personal finance tools.

5. Know Your Loopholes


For the successful business pursuing, business owners need to develop attractive futuristic strategies. But before developing any strategy print media must be well aware of their loopholes like where and how they are lagging behind. For example, to attract more and more customers you can create communities related to users’ interest and serve them with the right combination of content on various platforms. Moreover, you can also take help from video content, which is on high demand today. In order to get relevant content, customers are willing to pay high prices. Like BMW in automotive is the biggest example, that uses digital video to build branded experiences and communities of interest.

6. Use A Customer-Oriented Approach


To survive in 2019-2020, print media need to work and think in the same way as the customer does. You must focus on the content that the reader can enjoy or co-relate himself while flipping through pages. You must use the new editorial and design approach which is user-centric for this you must do a great study about user behavior. Offering the information, which the user can exclusively get from you makes a customer loyal. Moreover, you can also add celebrity-oriented content or some cartoon for entertainment. Additionally, if you are also taking advantage of the online portal, give importance to your website look as well as content relevancy.

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In the Nut-shells

Print Media Business in Digital Age - conclusion

Today, the declining demand for print media is a great matter of concern for the print industry. But if you follow above-mentioned tips there are high chances for its growth in the upcoming years. Remember, following long term policy can take time, but can deliver you the worthful results.

Author-Image-Claire-EadesThis article is written by Claire Eades. She is the Digital Marketer at Cartridgesale - online retailers for genuine cartridges in Australia.  She started her career in 2010. Claire has a strong technical SEO  background in creative writing and journalism. She is an industry speaker & enjoys providing thought leadership on all things SEO.
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Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".