6 Reasons for Passing the Cisco CCNA Certification Exam

The main question for the candidates before they decide to take the certification exams –Why should I earn the CCNA Routing & Switching certification? As a Cisco CCNA R&S certified specialist, you get a number of benefits that will enhance both your expertise level and your mean salary (it ranges from $260,000 to $920,000). But this is a small part of benefits offered by this certificate. Below are some reasons why you should attain this Cisco credential.

1) Worldwide Recognition

Reasons for Passing the Cisco CCNA Certification Exam - Point 1The CCNA Routing and Switching certification have a worldwide recognition that gives it greater value. This is due to the fact that the CCNA is specific to Cisco devices, i.e. routers and switches, and Cisco is a brand that has been accepted all over the world for the quality of devices it provides. To put it into perspective, Cisco controls up to 70% of the routers and switches market worldwide leaving about 30% to be shared by a number of other providers such as HP and Huawei.

Therefore, this indicates that Cisco devices are used all over the world, and the certification that focuses on these products will equally be globally recognized and desired. This means that any individual with this certification has a great opportunity of being employed by an international company that uses Cisco devices or even has plans to utilize the same in the future.


2) Networking Knowledge

Reasons for Passing the Cisco CCNA Certification Exam - Point 2The way to acquire the CCNA R&S certificate involves both theoretical and hands-on training in the various aspects of the networking world. In a typical training path, one is able to understand the operation and setup of a network topics in the CCNA dumps in order to pass the exam if candidates are having a hard time in studying for the networking fundamentals which will lay the foundation for an understanding of what networks are, and what their types are: you will learn about how switches and routers work, and how to configure them for different functionalities.

Taking it into account, the certification exam will test all areas pertaining the fundamentals of a network to more Cisco devices specific, pursuing the same, one will enable to get the networking knowledge that is required for daily network-related activities. The CCNA R&S credential is holistic, it means that one is able to grasp the fundamentals of computer networks and even more deeply understand how routing and switching are carried out, what different protocols exist that enables routing and switching even without a college degree in IT.

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3) Jobs Requirements

Reasons for Passing the Cisco CCNA Certification Exam - Point 3With 70% of the routing and switching market, Cisco devices have been widely deployed, thus, the knowledge of how to setup and configure these devices has become a fundamental requirement in the employment process. Employers have made it as a mandatory requirement for network engineers to have the CCNA R&S certificate since this will prove that the applicant has a sufficient knowledge related to the networking industry. The importance of this Cisco certificate during the recruitment process is core to the extent that it is listed as the second requirement that must be acquired and received immediately after the college degree.


If you search the word CCNA on sites such as indeed.com, you will find at least 7,000 entries of jobs. The main job titles are:

  • Network Engineer
  • Senior Network Engineer
  • Network Administrator
  • Software Engineer
  • Systems Engineer
  • Technical Support Engineer
  • IT Manager

4) Remunerations & Career Growth

Reasons for Passing the Cisco CCNA Certification Exam - Point 4In the modern world, more and more individuals have acquired the basic requirements for the particular job they are applying for in terms of college degrees. The recent research shows that Cisco certified specialists can claim a regular remuneration and career growth in their organizations. It is also considered one of the benefits of this certification when a certified person earns more money and gets other bonuses than an individual without any certificate. As the technologies are constantly developing, and Cisco devices are well-known around the world, the certified professionals can count on a global recognition, high salary and great relevance.


5) Basis for Other Cisco Certifications

Reasons for Passing the Cisco CCNA Certification Exam - Point 5The CCNA R&S credential is a requirement for an individual who pursues other higher-level courses offered by Cisco. The immediate course after the associate-level certification (CCNA) is the professional-level certificate (CCNP) which cannot be achieved without the valid CCNA R&S credential. The higher-level certifications require the in-depth training in the various areas that is impossible without the profound foundation which is provided by the CCNA certifications.

If you want to be a qualified specialist with the comprehensive knowledge and skills, move up the career ladder, and get a good remuneration, you should earn the CCNA R&S credential. No, the CCNA, no further career growth!

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6) Personal Satisfaction

Reasons for Passing the Cisco CCNA Certification Exam - Point 6Having the CCNA R&S certification can also serve as a means of achieving personal satisfaction and gratification which human beings seek to achieve at some point in their life. It builds a sense of confidence that an IT engineer or network administrator can not only design, resolve and implement networks, but also be certified in that area. Therefore, one can pursue this certification which by its recognition and level of demand makes it possible to feels a sense of satisfaction and gratification.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".