Optimize WordPress: 10 Useful Tips to Optimize Your WordPress Blog

By currently anyone serious regarding marketing their product or service online is aware of that Google favors websites that are updated oftentimes with original, partaking and authoritative content. A blog may be a good way for website owners to stay contemporary content rolling through their website as a result of anyone, with a little bit of basic training, will produce outstanding, shareable content in a very short quantity of your time. And therefore, the better part is, the longer you are doing it the quicker you’ll prove quality content.

What Blog Software Should I use?

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We manage many blogs for our customers and in nearly every case we decide WordPress. Why?

  • WordPress may be a quick and easy platform for anyone with simply a little bit of technical information to put in and set up.
  • Once put in and properly organized WordPress makes adding relevant content to your website a snap.
  • Functionality: The WordPress plugin system is one among the simplest of any content management systems to use, and you’ll notice thousands of quality plugins to increase the practicality of WordPress.
  • With simply many plugins and tweaks, WordPress becomes a highly-optimized SEO-friendly platform.
  • With nice plugins like Sucuri and UpdraftPlus and it’s simple to secure your blog and run automatic backups.

Optimizing your WordPress Blog


Follow the following tips to optimize your WordPress blog and blog posts for higher SEO and search engine visibility.

  1. Use an SEO plugin: For speed, performance and fast improvement we have a tendency to generally utilize the Yoast SEO plugin. Yoast makes it straightforward to form vital Meta elements automatically. It’ll also assist you with Google Authorship and teach you the way to properly use keywords in your blog content. Yoast also will produce associated maintain an XML sitemap for search engines.
  2. Disable and take away any unused plugins: Besides making the chance of retardation things down, unused plugins will produce unwanted security problems for your WordPress blog.
  3. Pick a blog topic and persist with it: Generally, when writing a blog post you would like to spot the keyword you’re thinking that individuals can hunt for once you want them to seek out your post and structure your post around that keyword.
  4. Writing the title: Embrace your target keyword in your blog post title. WordPress can take your post title and apply the <h1> tag thereto.
  5. Proper use of heading tags: Tags like <h1>, <h2>, <h3>, etc. serve a purpose. Their job is to inform search engines what every section of your content is regarding (and ranks them in importance). At least you ought to be using H1 and H2 tags in each blog posts, however, you’ll be able to burn up to 6 heading tags. You’ll be able to re-use tags if you would like (for instance this page uses one H1, 2 H2 tags, and one H3 tag), however, don’t get them out of order. You ought to conjointly use your primary keyword in your <h1> heading. NOTE: ne’er re-use the H1 tag. Once H1 is employed on a page it’s done.
  6. Links: Every blog post ought to link to a minimum of 2 highly-authoritative websites. You’ll be able to conjointly use links to connected content on your own blog to boost your internal linking strategy.
  7. Media: Embrace a minimum of one image in your content that’s optimized with a descriptive altitude tag. If potential you should also embrace a video somewhere in your post. Properly utilizing and optimizing your media provides your blog a lot of authority than if you merely post a wall of text.
  8. Meta: Check however your blog post’s Meta title and outline seem before you hit publish to form certain the title and excerpt can show properly in search results. If you’re victimization Yoast, scroll down the page within the post creation section to ascertain the Meta boxes. Yoast can show you what it intends to publish and offers you the chance to optimize it.
  9. Make it straightforward to share: Install a social media sharing plugin to form it straightforward for your blog readers to share your content. We have a tendency to generally use the Jetpack social media share buttons on the side of Jetpack Extras, that permits you to further-refine however and wherever social media share icons can seem.
  10. Promote: Build social signals back to your post by sharing it on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and alternative social media networks.


10 Useful Tips to Optimize WordPress Blog - Conclusion

A WordPress blog could be a good way to supply regular, relevant content that search engines can love. With somewhat patience (and lots of practice) you’ll be able to good the blog posting method and increase your possibilities of ranking for relevant keywords.

This article is written by Andrew Steele. He is an educationist in Online UAE Universities, who admires other professionals in the same field as well. In the past year, he has been rewarded multiple times for his unparalleled services, which motivates him to do more for experts of the future.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".