Is Laravel a Perfect Framework for Business Web App Development?

Do you want to implement an effective business web application development? In today’s challenging business scenario, every CEO has a need for an online presence to spread out business and handle the ever-growing competition. There are several platforms available for building feature-rich websites and web applications using advanced web technologies. Among all the other frameworks available in the market, one of the most sought web development frameworks to help you get the top-notch web app development in order to generate online business.

Most of the Laravel experts and enthusiasts across the globe ask frequently whether they can build enterprise apps by using Laravel? And can it handle big projects maturely enough? For this, we have to look after what Laravel actually offers by checking them against the possibilities which are mandatory to design enterprise apps.

Does Laravel well-suited for Business Web App Development?


Laravel is an open source licensed PHP based web application framework for web developers. It is designed to support the web apps development on the MVC (Model View Controller) model. Although designed in 2011, Laravel grabs the number 1 position among the PHP frameworks which is accompanying by Symfony2 and CodeIgniter at the second and third position. Still, Laravel is very much recent and much effective framework for creating small to complex applications for businesses in this competitive world.

The huge attraction from developers and businesses is driven out by its ability to tackle everything from HTML generation to database management and BigData by referring it as the full stack model. Laravel seems to be unique by forcing developers to talk about its RESTful routing and eloquence. Some of the popular sites like Laravel Tricks, MyRank, and Mack-Hankins are built using Laravel.

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Benefits of Laravel Web App Development

Laravel Framework - Business Web App Development

Simplified Core and Routing

The Laravel framework is available on GitHub which gets implemented on the IoC pattern for possible customizable and section rewriting like login, requests and also the authentication. To enhance its performance, multiple solutions were upgraded carefully from one or other platforms. For instance, Symphony console which is referred to as Artisan which was added up in Laravel.

Laravel is a great framework which offers to execute multiple tasks using Routing where the developers can do variant tasks be it grouping routes, attaching filters, binding model to different parameter requests and creating page resources for CRUD operations.

App Logic and Authentication

Laravel helps to organize logic by controlling developer’s access to multiple resources as it is designed with the help of inbuilt validation code to reduce the time complexity to compose colossal codes. For working with the HTML, the Laravel business web app development has intuitive blade tempting engine.


How to take over the Competitive advantage using Laravel in Business world?

The targeted audience expects businesses to move in the same flow of technology advancement. The market wishes to go for a more engaging or intuitive user interface in every product and application because the users are sure of making a move to the next level after adapting Laravel.

Laravel applications allow business integration into different operations for expected performance. For instance – the Laravel developers can try to integrate the app with the email services, UI and UX components for more authentication and successful marketing. The Laravel framework is designed to get your apps run faster as compared to other ones as it is very crucial for a better ranking of your website on various search engines. Laravel utilizes salted hashed passcodes which are not saved in plain texts by employing Bcrypt algorithm to make it very tough for injection attacks. It also allows users with a basic escape-input method for avoiding injection.

Laravel is very cheaper as compared to different frameworks because the business logic code is made apart from the presentation code. This code partition helps businesses to use HTML layout designs which are cheaper and also changes the look of the website without going through developers.

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Wrapping Up

Is Laravel a Perfect Framework for Business Web App Development? - conclusion

Technology is changing faster and so your business can only achieve success if you move at the same pace. Laravel has demonstrated its special capabilities in delivering great results which will drive your business. Furthermore, you can consider contracting a Laravel web app development company with high experience in the technology to figure out spaces in your business for ensuring great results. Keep Learning!

This article is written by Olivia Diaz from eTatvaSoft. She is an early adopter, likes jotting down the ideas about the latest technology to offer insightful information to the readers about everything that breaks the internet. You can follow her on Twitter.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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