Does Infinite Scrolling Kill eCommerce? – A Complete Guide

Discussion on infinite scrolling usage is still a contradiction that whether it is fruitful for the eCommerce websites or not. However, it is a trendy technique, but if you use it especially for eStores, then it might lead your site towards failure and frustrate your niche to leave the page. Hence, this has become imperative to know in detail that is infinite scrolling feature harmful or good for your site in any instance?

Continuous scroll is a little crazy feature of the web design, which was first used by Twitter. In other words, we can say that Twitter brought this new concept of web design into limelight. The implementation of limitless scrolling is seamlessly advantageous for the content as it remains the curiosity of users while scrolling the page down. Through this approach, content of relatively flat structure streams constantly and its each unit belongs to hierarchy of same level. Furthermore, it is beneficial to retain the users’ interest. Now, the question comes in mind that does it really killer for eCommerce sites.

What is infinite scroll?

It is also referred as unpagination & endless scrolling, through which, the additional content of the webpage appends dramatically towards the bottom of page while user approaches for the ending of content. This technique works well on social media sites and it can be usually seen on Twitter, Pinterest homepage and Facebook Timeline. As compared to desktop and laptop computer devices, continuous scrolling offers better user experience on mobile devices. In order to use this website design method appropriately, you need to be ensured that browsing of content can be done smoothly according to visitors’ needs.


Endless scrolling is a great choice for one-page sites that are packed with content. It also allows the individual to continue the page infinitely without any hassle. In case of eCommerce websites, it can frustrate the users. Undoubtedly, it eliminates the need of paging, but the thing is which one is better for eCommerce sites.

Pros of Infinite Scroll That Compel You To Opt For:

Touch Optimization:

Infinite Scrolling 01Providing uniformly good UX across desktop & mobile devices is utmost importance in current world to drive desired traffic and entice a number of users of different age group. Almost all smartphones and tablets are powered by touch technology, so you should prefer to start focusing touch optimization. To meet this need, infinite scrolling is an ideal choice, which defeats competition. The mobile devices of small screen sizes demand forward technology to showcase content in more convenient way. It is quite beneficial instead of using tiny links available on the page that redirect user to the next page to read more content.

Appealing Visual Experience:

Infinite Scrolling 02The trend of adding high-quality images into the eCommerce website is emerging, because the image is worthier than saying thousands words for those, who does not wants to see beautiful and clear images. It is probably the next trend to capture the users’ attention. Thus, provide image-heavy content to your users with infinite scroll to offer them delightful experience. Flickr and Pinterest, both are the best examples of visual-oriented sites that are consistently in-demand for their fantabulous approach.

Better Exposure For Content:

Infinite Scrolling 03If you want to give appreciating exposure to the content of your website, then the best possible answer would be endless scroll, which loads all pages endlessly. All the content is put on one page and everything is under scroll reach. On other hand, if you go for pagination, then users get frustrated sometimes as they cannot reach to next page unless they click.

Smooth & Fast Browsing:

Infinite Scrolling 04Browsing of such websites that contain infinite pages, is faster than normal/regular sites. Due to this major reason, users love to scroll the page down despite of reloading pages again and again. It also eliminates the every time clicking needs and saves time of the users. This is not only flawless for users, but also effective from SEO point of views.

Open Doors For Creativity:

Infinite Scrolling 05It is itself a creative approach to display information in unique style. This is the one interesting feature to make a website appealing and full with fun. Parallax scrolling is a worldwide famous extension of this web design technique, which provides stunning visual story line and maintains curiosity of users till the end of scrolling.

Now, It’s Time To Be Aware of Infinite Scrolling Cons:

However, it sounds good, but does not work well for all sites, especially for eCommerce sites. So, let’s discuss the cons of infinite scroll that you must know, if you are planning to adopt this technique for your online store development.


Footer Issue:

Infinite Scrolling 01It is a major issue, which comes with eCommerce websites while using infinite scrolling. Have you ever made any online purchase? If yes, then you know that footer is the place, where all important links appear. So, just imagine that you like to reach at “Shipping Information” page of continuous scroll webpage. It is challenging to catch same page, when you do have a few seconds only.


Infinite Scrolling 02There is nothing on the web, which cannot be recreated in real world. It is daunting to handle immense information that does not have any order and flows limitlessly. Infinite scroll lacks in orientation. This is the reason, users feel difficulty to locate the same items that they have seen before on similar page. Through the paginated content, you can at least map information via page numbers.


Infinite Scrolling 03For the best website usability, it is essential to know that where you are on the website and this is quite onerous to understand the infinite scrolling webpages. Suppose, you click a product or item and after that you want to return on the same point where you have left, then imagine how troublesome it is with endless scroll site.

No Skipping Option:

Infinite Scrolling 04Page skipping is the biggest benefit of paging & paginated content, by which, you can jump to any page and direct through just a click can reach to the desired page that is impossible via infinite scroll.

Browser Memory Crash:

Infinite Scrolling 05Do you want such UX that crashes your older browser memory due to the loading of immense content contained website. All technologies do not work on almost all browsers flawlessly and it is applied on infinite scroll as well.


Infinite Scrolling 06For the generation of desired traffic, the best approach is to have quality information content on the site. But, if you do have webpage with limitless content loading, then users might feel exhausted every second. Like a pleasing road trip, this content does not have any destination or end. At that instance, users are incapable to find the stop until they are daunted psychologically.


Technological advancement is good, especially when it is used appropriately to make the website engaging and goal-oriented. In endless scrolling case, it is impeccable for some sites, while for remaining it proves as a backfire and crashes the entire UX completely. It all depends on your websites’ goal and its specific tasks, whether this web technique may hurt the usability of site or not.

For the eCommerce sites especially, we would suggest to stop using infinite scroll as it can impact your eStore traffic and sales negatively. However, it eliminates the pagination need, but does not work perfectly with online store. So, stop considering this web design feature, if you were planning to use it.

This article is written by Emily White. She is an enthusiastic web developer and associated with CSSChopper, who also loves to write blogs & articles that helps the people know that what is in trend and beneficial for the future success.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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