10 Must-Have Resources for Facebook Page Promotion

You have a business or a specific product you want to promote in social media, particularly in Facebook. You have created a Facebook page regarding this business. But would that be enough? Would you just sit in front of your computer and wait? That might not help you achieve your goals. You should look for resources which could guide you in promoting your Facebook page. Manage Facebook management with these marketing tips:

1. Your Profile and your Page

Before you can create a Facebook Page, you must have logged in to your Profile. Use this Profile to promote your page, directly and indirectly.

Learn to create a proper business page. It should be something catchy and pleasing to look at. This means, it should not be annoying and much more, not deceiving.

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Add the correct details, description, and information when asked. Upload a profile photo that goes along with your business or product, like business logo or a picture of your products. You will also be asked to specify your preferred audience so Facebook would show your Page to such audience.

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Upload a cover photo that will also depict your business or product. Review your page information in the “About” tab and update it. Use the Call-to-Action button, as this will be very helpful to your business.

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Post an update so your viewers will know what your page is all about. And they will know that your page is active.

If you post on your page, share it on your profile too. Profile posts are more visible in news feed than page posts. Your friends and followers will see your posts too. If you would post something on your page, either share it on your profile or re-post it.

2. Maximize Facebook Features

Enable the Follow button of your profile. This way, viewers can follow your public posts without the need for both of you to be friends in Facebook. You are connected with more people. Besides, there is a limited number of friends in Facebook and that is five thousand, while in a page, you can have unlimited followers.

One effective Facebook marketing resource is to join groups and create your own group. Posts to groups show up in the member’s news feed. This way, your page will be more visible to friends, groups, and probably to friends’ friends and group members’ friends.

3. Manage Facebook Management

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If there are several people managing your page, you should set rules and guidelines about what to post, how to post, and when to post to promote uniformity. You must be keen on how to manage Facebook management. Their duties should also be clear to avoid conflicts.

Related: 6 Facebook Marketing Tips for Managing Your Facebook Page

4. Use Facebook Tools and Apps

Use Facebook tools to create ads and increase your page’s visibility. There are a lot of free Facebook Tools available to do this such as Power Editor, Scheduled Posts, Tabs, and a lot more.

Apps were created to enhance Facebook experience. Maximize these apps to enhance your Page. When your Page looks attractive, more viewers will be interested to look and wander in your page.

Related: Essential Facebook Marketing Resources: A Complete Guide

5. Run Timeline Contest Tools

Contests encourage participation from viewers. They will attract more viewers to participate. Participants will be aware of your Page. This way, you have promoted your page once again.

6. Posting and Tagging Regularly

Post regularly so your followers and viewers will know that your page is not a dead page. Posting regularly does not mean posting every hour or every day. Too much posting might annoy your viewers and followers especially if your posts keep on cluttering their newsfeed. If they get irritated by your posts, they might ‘un-follow’ you or your page.

When you post, tag friends. This way, their friends will probably see your posts too.

7. Replying to Comments or Queries

When viewers and followers leave a comment or question on your post or on your page, you should reply to them as soon as possible. This will make them feel valued and respected. They will not only support you, they will never leave you and they might even refer your page to their friends and acquaintances.

Related: Get More Fans: 5 Tips to Promote your Facebook Page

8. Invest on Ads

Ads appear to your target audience. They will see your ads and be aware of your page. And this would increase not only followers to your page but supporters as well to your business, product, or cause.

9. Send Emails

One of the simple marketing tips but definitely helpful, when you send emails to anyone, do not forget to include your page link after your name at the bottom of your email.

10. Other Social Networks

Having accounts in other social networking sites will also be a good source of Facebook marketing by simply mentioning your page in those accounts just like in emails.

Before or while you venture on Facebook marketing, you must read articles about marketing tips, how to manage Facebook management, and Facebook marketing. There are a lot of articles in the web which will guide you as you journey through the business world.

This article is written by Andy Thompson. She has been a freelance writer for a long while. Her passion in writing is her main drive in crafting articles that are engaging, informative, and meaningful. Her partnership with TroopSocial has given her a whole new opportunity to take writing to a whole new level.
Disclosure: Some of our articles may contain affiliate links; this means each time you make a purchase, we get a small commission. However, the input we produce is reliable; we always handpick and review all information before publishing it on our website. We can ensure you will always get genuine as well as valuable knowledge and resources.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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