Choosing the Best Internet Service Provider (ISP) for your Business

In this article, I will share some ideas on how you can choose the best internet service provider (ISP) for your business. A good ISP is very important to stay connected with your customers for your online business. A fast and reliable ISP will allow you to have the speediest response toward your customers.

I will guide you in choosing a good ISP provider that will provide you with great service and unfailing customer support. I will share 5 valuable working points, which will definitely help you decide on the best ISP.

1) Usage According to Your Requirements:

Best Internet Service Provider - user requirement

You must know what you want before you go looking for an ISP for your business. Think about exactly what your requirements are and what you’re looking for in a service. After you finalize your requirements, it is then necessary to choose the ISP according to those.

For example, do you and your employees need internet connections for just checking emails, doing surveys, and browsing websites? If so, then you may go for a low-speed plan. But if you use the internet for something more involved than just email checking or browsing, and then check out some high-speed plans.

If your employees are light users and your team is small, then perhaps 30GB is sufficient for you. There’s no need to pay for more GB than necessary for your business, so a smaller plan may serve your needs more efficiently.

Say you have a medium size team. Or maybe your employees generally use the web for watching videos online or even keeping in touches with social media like Facebook or Twitter. All these activities require more power on your internet plan.

If your business needs heavy usage, then you will need a plan with an option of unlimited internet.

Calculating your requirements correctly can help you to choose the right internet plan for you; it can fulfill all your business needs in a cost-effective way.

2) Cost:

Best Internet Service Provider - cost

For any business, the cost is a key factor which varies with each provider. Explore the plans of a provider whose services are very appropriate for your business. The cost will be dependent on speed, the amount of GB, and reliability.

3) Verify Uploading and Downloading Speeds of your ISP:

Best Internet Service Provider - upload download speed

If users need faster uploading and downloading speeds for their work, it is recommended they go for ISPs who supply internet connections faster in terms of both downloading and uploading. In most plans, the upload speed is slower than the download speed. If your business needs heavy uploads like YouTube video sharing, then you must choose a plan where the upload speed matches the download speed.

4) Local Coverage:

Best Internet Service Provider - local coverage

If you are using a wired internet plan like cable broadband or fiber optics broadband, then the network coverage is more or less the same for any location. However, if you want a wireless connection, then the network coverage on your locality may be a prime factor in choosing an ISP.  Without good network coverage, no plan will work well.

5) Customer Service:

Best Internet Service Provider - customer service

The quality of customer service is essential in choosing an ISP. Prompt maintenance and discovering quick solutions for internet problems can save lots of valuable time. Otherwise, it can be a headache for you and your business.

6) Fastest Network of USA (Ranked by, 2015):

Best Internet Service Provider - Fastest Network

Every day over 5 million users tests their internet speed at According to the summary of each test they have ranked the following ISPs and LTE networks as the best for the year 2015:

Top 3 Fastest ISPs:

  1. XFINITY => Down Speed 104.56 Mbps / Up Speed 12.71 Mbps / know more.
  2. TWC (now Spectrum) => Down Speed 99.11 Mbps / Up Speed 19.23 Mbps / know more.
  3. Cox Communications => Down Speed 94.06 Mbps / Up Speed 21.28 Mbps / know more.

Top 3 Fastest LTE Networks:

  1. T-Mobile => Down Speed 19.62 Mbps / Up Speed 9.90 Mbps / know more.
  2. Verizon Wireless => Down Speed 18.52 Mbps / Up Speed 7.27 Mbps / know more.
  3. AT&T => Down Speed 14.61 Mbps / Up Speed 6.04 Mbps / know more.


Best Internet Service Provider - conclusion

In conclusion, as a business owner, you must know what exactly your requirements for an ISP are, and you must discover the essentials for your business. The listed suggestions above are a good place to start when beginning your ISP search. Your ultimate decision will vary upon your usage requirements, the location of your business, and your budget. Find a perfect combination of these and your business will excel.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".