5 Student Gadgets That Make Studying both Easier & More Productive

Some might say that students’ life today is much easier, and it’s hard to blame them for that. While students still have to study a lot and do many different assignments, things like Internet and gadgets can simplify their lives significantly.

I understand that not all students can buy many devices. That’s why in this article I want to concentrate on the most common and useful ones. If you want to prepare yourself for college and make the most of your studies, I recommend choosing the following gadgets:

1. A good laptop

10 Best Selling Newly Launched Laptops / Notebooks

Yes, almost everyone has a laptop these days, but not all the laptops are actually fit for studying. While you can send a college application essay using a laptop and do a lot of other schoolwork, it’s important to be sure that your notebook can last at least through your first college years. It has to work quickly and also to have a battery powerful enough to carry it around with you during the day. Otherwise, you might find yourself stuck near the closest power socket. Also, a good laptop has to be easy to carry around. After all, you’re going to do it all day. That’s why try to choose the small and light model with a lasting battery. Lucky for you, a student’s laptop doesn’t have to be too expensive and powerful (if you aren’t a programmer or a designer, of course).

2. A tablet

IPad Tablet Digital Technology Touch Computer Screen

If you are tired of looking for the right laptop, you can buy a tablet instead. Modern tablets allow doing almost everything study-related. You can read books on them, write your essays using them, surf the web, and so on. Moreover, they have a long-lasting battery by default, so you don’t have to worry about power sockets and stuff.

There’s only one bad thing about them. They aren’t fitted to work with heavy and complicated software like Photoshop, Visual Studio, etc. But not all students use this kind of software often (or even use it at all).

3. A power bank

Power Banks 1

Even if your tablet’s or mobile phone’s battery dies quickly, you don’t have to spend half of your day near a power socket. While a power bank can hardly be used for laptop charging, it’s actually an amazing thing when it comes to charging a tablet or a smartphone. Power banks look beautiful, are easy to carry around, and are quite affordable. Moreover, they all have different power capacity, so you can easily choose the one that fits your budget and goals.

4. All-in-one printer


These gadgets are amazing: they allow scanning, copying, and printing at the same time. Sure, you can do that at the library or at the copy center. But sometimes it’s much more convenient to have such gadget around. It allows you to save time on going somewhere to make a copy and even to save money (in the case of copy center services are too expensive). Moreover, when you finish something right before the deadline, you usually don’t have much time to go somewhere to print your assignment. That’s why having such gadget right there in your room could be very useful.

5. A smartwatch or a fitness bracelet

smart wristbands smart watches

Not getting enough sleep is one of the biggest problems students face during their college years. While people can handle this quite well when they are young, it still affects their productivity, mood, and causes a lot of stress. Most of the fitness bracelets and smartwatches are equipped with sleep tracking option. They can wake you up when it would be the easiest for you to get up.

Moreover, it’s important to be not only smart but also active during college years. Did you know that simply leading a healthier lifestyle can make you more productive? You can able to learn quicker, and have more energy too? A fitness bracelet or a smartwatch could help you with that, monitoring your activity and allowing you to set new activity goals in order to become more fit.

Final Words:

Best Student Gadgets - conclusion

Of course, that’s not all gadgets a student can have. These are just the most common ones, which can be useful for students of all majors. I hope that this article helps you choose the one that will be particularly useful to you!

This article is written by Christina Battons. She is a blogger and freelance writer. She is interested in topics about education, writing, blogging, motivation, etc. And she also likes to share her knowledge with people. Currently, she writes for various blogs like ThrivingWriter or similar. Her free time she spends with her family, friends, or riding her bicycle. You can follow her on Twitter, Google+ and Facebook.
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Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".