JavaScript has been a great help to the tech domain since its inception, thanks to frameworks like Vue, React, Node, Ember, and Angular. Out of all, Vue.js is the most prominent one because it has a wide range of functions and tools.
With so many different frameworks for web app development, it can be hard for developers and businesses to choose the most progressive JavaScript framework, but as said, among them is Vue, which has become popular in a short amount of time. One of the things that makes this framework different from the rest is its features.
Vue.js is used for a lot of purposes like making a secure single-page app and User Interface. By following the Vue best practices and security for web development, you can also benefit your digital business with the advanced technological perks it provides.
For a better and clearer idea, let us check out some facts about Vue.js and the reasons for you to choose it over other web application frameworks.
Facts on Vue.js framework

Vue.js is a front-end, open-source JavaScript framework that can be used to make web applications, SPAs, and user interfaces. It is centered on the model-view-view-model (MVVM).
Centered on the view layer, components, and declarative rendering, this framework is for people who want to make apps that look good. Developers need to know HTML and JavaScript to work with the framework.
In a report, Vue.js got 1,71,000 stars on GitHub and is going to be very popular with developers in 2020.
According to the survey, Vue.js Development is used around the world about 17.3% of the time.
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Reasons why choose Vue.js framework over others

1. Small app size

First, Vue.js is very small at 18-21Kb. In spite of this, it is very fast, which makes it easier for the framework to win the Vue vs. Ember fight because it is small.
Vue JavaScript is a good choice for both big and small software development projects because of this.
2. Flexibility

One of the main reasons Vue.js Development is so popular with developers is that it’s so easy to use and change. Vue.js is easy to work with JavaScript projects.
It also lets the people who make Vue.js write and make templates in HTML and JavaScript. These templates can be used with different browsers, so you can use them.
This is why Vue.js is used to make web apps that run and work right from the browser itself.
Vue.js also comes with a set of web-pack templates, which makes it easier to write code for different parts of the web and apps.
3. User-friendly development framework

It doesn’t take long to learn Vue.js, which is one of these frameworks. This is good news for engineers, but especially startups. Vue.js merely needs a basic understanding of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. It is the reverse of React or Angular, which asks for expertise in more programming languages that require more advanced coding skills.
Vue.js is also used by software companies that use some of the same tools. It also has browser extensions for Firefox and Chrome, which makes things simpler to work upon this technology right out of the box.
4. High performance

Talking about the benefits of Vue.js, its faster scalability is sure to come up. Another benefit of using is, Vue.js works nicely with a focus on the flaws in a document or web page as well as Virtual Document Object Model. It also has a higher rate of frame. Everything mentioned here leads to better results than React does.

5. Simple integration

When an application is built using JavaScript, it can be used with this one, because it is based on JavaScript. This helps developers make new apps with Vue.js from scratch and add elements of Vue.js to apps they already have.
6. Two-way data binding/communication

Developers who make web apps like Vue.js like this feature because it allows them to communicate with each other two ways at once. This feature is very important, especially if developers get to choose other frameworks to choose from.
First, two-way data binding is good for the user because it brings Vue.js closer to the well-known framework Angular.js, which is used by many people. Additionally, the MVVM architecture in Vue is in charge of the two-way data binding.
This function makes sure that when there is a change made to the User Interface, it is sent and updated in the data. When the data is modified, it is updated in the Interface.
Two-way data binding maintains HTML blocks seamlessly. This is also why Vue.js is also termed “Reactive.”
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7. Computed properties

The advantage of Vue.js is that it can help you keep track of changes made to the UI elements and do the math that needs to be done. For this, you don’t require to write code.
8. Tooling ecosystem

Vue has become prominent since its invention. It now has a lot of features that a team of developers can use to make apps. Its new updates, like Vue CLI 3, are much more prevalent and allow developers to add a lot of new features to their apps. Vue CLI 3 is the third version of this dynamic JavaScript framework that supports TypeScript. It has unit testing, end-to-end testing tools, and a way to install plugins.
Apart from it, Vue.js has its personal browser debugging tools, state manager, and server renderer, as well as other things.

9. Focus on user interface

People who work with user interfaces will like Vue.js as a framework that focuses on that. To make this happen, it only needs JS and CSS, and features that are not much specific to Vue. To make its Hybrid cloud, IBM uses Vue.js, like so: This decision was taken because of how easy it is to learn, how light it is, and how much it relies on CSS, JavaScript, and HTML. This is why it was chosen.
10. Documentation

For a developer to use a framework to its finest capacity, it is among the most significant things to have well-structured documentation.
Vue makes sure that developers can get a good look at the framework, learn about its different features and shortcuts, and search through its documentation quickly.
Because Vue.js is constructed on JavaScript and HTML, engineers who already know these two languages won’t struggle more with Vue. It has a lot of detailed documentation and a simple learning curve that helps Vue.js developers a lot.
11. Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM is one of the main parts and features that answer “why choose Vue.js?”
There is no real document object model used by Vue. Talking about JavaScript, if there is a modification in its data structures, the new and previous data structures will go under comparison. The public may view just the alterations done to the real DOM.
There is less time and money spent on development when you don’t have to call the entire DOM API and only make changes to the JS object.
Also, the virtual DOM lets you make virtual nodes that can be turned into real DOM nodes. When a virtual node compares the current and previous states, it makes changes to the DOM. This is called reconciliation.
12. CSS transitions and reusability

Vue has a lot of ways to add transition effects to HTML elements through CSS transitions. Developers can also use third-party animation libraries in Vue.js to make the User Interface look and feel better.
Another important thing about Vue.js development is how easy it is to reuse parts. The parts can be reused and expanded, and they work on any browser.
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Conclusion: Why Vue.js?

Vue.js is a commonly accepted JS framework for making single-page apps and UIs look good. Developers like Vue because it has simple clean formatting styles and syntax. Because it’s so easy to use, Additionally, it may be utilized in conjunction with other architecture. Vue.js, on the other hand, has been proved a framework that has gone up to its name and has a lot of features that are meant for experts to use when making apps.
This article is written by Michael Smit. Michael is a full-stack developer in the software development company When he is not working you will find him writing on front-end technologies.