Risks and Dangers of Smart Gadgets: How to Stay Protected?

Smartening up one’s life is no longer a big deal in today’s times. Whoever said acting and behaving smartly is all that’s required, stands mistaken. The future wants smartness at every possible domain on earth. And not being blessed with smartness or razor-sharp intelligence is not to be looked down upon. But the present times demand smart work… smart execution… smart tactics. Man has worked relentlessly to grasp technology and let’s not deny, he has emerged successful, at least partially. These are all via the smart gadgets and tools that we currently have around us and will continue adding in the days to come.

What needs to be understood is that in the age of globalization, adopting or including smart tools and gadgets in our daily lifestyle is indispensable. Keeping abreast of every little thing or staying updated and upgraded in this fast, ever-changing and competitive world requires smart technologies. Hence, having access to smart tools and devices becomes imperative. Unfortunately, they are not short of flaws either.

Why smart tools and gadgets?


In the very first place, smart devices are those electronic gadgets that help in the process of building greater interaction via simple commands from users. Think of smartphones, smartwatches, tablets and phablets, and several other daily uses electronic items; that comes to making life easier, in more ways than one. These smart items are aplenty now and of various types and sizes, with some being in their portable forms. These primarily stand out owing to the ability in building networking and accomplishing tasks in a rather innovative manner.

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Life is easier now!


There’s no doubt that life and living have reached new heights after these smart devices have made their entry. Not only is time available for users to be spent productively on other pursuits, but multiple jobs can be done using any single item or maybe, a combination of them.

Imagine… there was a time when you dreamt of having a hassle-free life, and now, like most science fiction movies, several of these smart tools have made it a reality. Talking particularly about smart homes that resort to digital technology for the most part, whether it’s entertainment option or home appliance; you can be at the controlling end just via the use of your smartphone and integrating the same in one or other apps. Now the question is if umpteen uses can be derived from these smart technologies, then where lies the possibility of risks? Reality said, some major threats are often overlooked and it’s vital to identify and resolve them as well.

What are the issues that act as potent threats?


Below mentioned are some common issues that are undeniable aspects of smart living, and can act as real threats if not seen to:

The cyber-world is easy to access to locations via tracking

The world is increasingly proceeding towards what we call a ‘global village’. Let’s just say, a large percentage of the world has indeed reached that point. If you happen to be a smart homeowner, there’s every chance that a lot of attackers take to the most used search engine-Google and send a link. Now, this can be anything, say, any notification for a pending update or pop up ads. The minute you or any user clicks on that link and the page stays open for a significant time, like a couple of minutes or so, tracking the user and finding out the location is not a huge ordeal. Hackers (that’s the name assigned to cyber attackers!) are functional in every corner of the world to track large amounts of data. And sadly, not everyone is an ethical one.

Vulnerabilities galore, thanks to increased networking

Much like the previous one, attackers can also track data if they somehow get access to the GPS data of a vehicle. Now imagine you’re away from your home and with the information they have, planning a robbery with several others is quite easy. The mode of operation can however differ. So, often they may blackmail the owner using any trick about the vehicle data and no doubt, financial loss looks bright!


Real vs. Virtual world

In a world where smartness is the way to flourish and that too, determined on the basis or number of gadgets used; distinguishing between what is real and virtual is impossible. There’s so much to do and know from a world fed with information that the virtual world is where most people like to keep themselves tied to. In fact, the word is ‘virtual reality’! The thin line of demarcation between the real world and its happenings is practically obsolete. So much has been the impact and reliance on these gadgets that the virtual world has alienated most humans from their near and dear ones. That brings before us a question… what is quality time? And how far do we take a virtual break to connect to the real beings of this world?

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Intrusion of privacy

Thankfully, many are still unaware of IoT, which in other words means ‘internet of things’. It lies replete in several of these home-based smart technological wonders. If you see from the standpoint of the world, it’s akin to a crime not knowing about ‘IoT’; but for those (perhaps) who are caught unawares about it, might still have a life outside the smart gadgets. The major problem that emanates as a result of being ‘too connected’ is that you are traced and tracked at every moment. So even when you decide to play a game via an app, it requires your location. With plenty of such cases adding up every moment, it is difficult to have a personal or let’s say a private life. So, no matter how private a person you claim to be, you’re not away from the prying eyes of the smart world!


Technical glitches are common

It’s an interconnected world, so the parts making up the whole are also linked to each other. A simple technical fault that can manifest into something larger and graver is quite likely. And at a time when such flaws occur, the technology-rich devices prove inept in recovering. Not only are you at risk of inviting potential hackers to cause you greater inconvenience, but you become vulnerable as well.

So, what’s the way out?

Mitigating the risks or putting an end to technology-laden problems cannot happen within a moment or even a day. The world is networking at every moment. Closing any one door of a smart device can hamper the functioning of a few others as well. In these situations, hence, it becomes imperative to adopt and practice a few measures (well in advance) to stay safe.


First, keep your smart tools, gadgets, and devices updated at all times. If required, take the help of experts who will work on these and help you out.

Second, passwords are common for almost every single use of a device or app. Ensure that complexity is the principle that you rely on and activate the two-factor authentication. Aside from you, your device stays protected. And the simple factor is, if the gadget or tool is safeguarded, you too are less likely to grow anxious.

Third, the remote feature is a safer option. Most people might advise you on voice activation. But it’s the remote that enables proper control and thereby makes the system far more secure. Voice control is preferable to use in cars as the use of smartphones, smartwatches, etc. are dramatically increasing the chances of accidents.

Fourth, periodic checking and monitoring for control and upgrading are of paramount importance. Smart Devices no wonder make life easy, but the protocols and manuals are often not adhered to; so in every case, having expert guidance will prove handy.

Fifth, there are superior protection services that most units and tools guarantee. To reap the benefits of your smart device or use it at your convenience, apply the basic protection measures. It also assures you of longevity in terms of service.

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The Bottom Line

Risks and Dangers of Smart Gadgets: How to Stay Protected - final words

There’s a surge in terms of our dependence on the internet or smart devices. The connection that we get to see in these times was unthinkable at one point. So, it’s not possible to know how far the progress will occur in the next few years or decades. Every discovery comes with its merits and demerits. The best use of everything on earth can only occur if one knows how to control the disadvantages. You need to find outlets to minimize threats. As a result of the usage of smart devices, becoming a smart worker or smart house owner is feasible for all. It’s just that the need for devising and implementing advanced security mechanisms will continually arise. And you can’t prevent the same.

So, the smart tactic would be to stay abreast about what you include and use among the multiple smart devices. Research always proves useful and this is no exception either. Thereby, you assess the risks and dangers of smart technologies and operate likewise. Besides, safety measures always come by and it makes sense to know and practice the same at all costs.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik Banerjee Web developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".

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