How to Edit Videos Like A Pro to Boost Video ROI?

Videos are the real deal when it comes to connecting with your audience, whether you’re running a biz or you’re a content creator. Like, seriously, in 2023, a whopping 91% of businesses are already jumping on the video marketing train.

But hold up, here’s the deal – just making a video ain’t gonna cut it. You gotta whip up some killer videos that grab eyeballs and make your ROI skyrocket. So, how do you do that? Well, you gotta work some magic in the editing room, my friend.

Now, if you’re clueless about editing like a boss, don’t sweat it. This article’s got your back. We’re about to spill the beans on some pro-level video editing tips that’ll make your investment shine.

So, let’s dive right in!

8 Tips to Edit Videos Like A Pro and Give Your ROI a Boost

A bar chart showing the percentage of video users over time.

Image source: Wyzowl.

Mastering the art of video editing can transform your videos from ordinary to extraordinary, captivating audiences and driving results. Through my experience of publishing videos consistently on social media, I’ve put together this guide to help you out.

So, without further ado, let’s look at the tips that can help you edit your videos like a pro.

Related: 12 Tips for Creating a Corporate Video that Amazes Customers.

1. Plan Your Video Like a Boss

Before you even think about hitting that edit button, you gotta have a game plan. Get your objectives and messages straight.

What’s the vibe of your video – informative, entertaining, inspiring, or are you selling something? Having a clear game plan helps you keep things on point and avoid any distracting fluff.

Think about making a storyboard or a rough script. It helps you see the big picture and spot where you can add some extra oomph. I mean, I always get a script for my social media vids, so the message stays on point.

2. Footage Quality Reigns Supreme

No matter how slick your editing skills are, if your raw footage is poor, your final product’s gonna be a snooze-fest. So, start by getting top-notch footage. If you’re shooting, grab a sweet camera with high-res and killer image stabilization for that crispy video.

And don’t sleep on lighting and audio – clear visuals and crisp sound are non-negotiable. Steers clear of shaky shots too; viewers hate that stuff. If you’re using stock footage, go for the high-def gems that match your style like a glove.

Trust me, high-quality footage makes your content pop and gives you mad editing flexibility.

A group of people sitting around a table with laptops.

3. Choose the Right Software

Listen up, you can have all the right ingredients, but if your editing software isn’t up to the mark, your video will still look like a hot mess. So, invest in some top-notch editing software.

There’s a bunch out there for different skill levels and needs. If you seek more comprehensive capabilities, software like Movavi Video Editor, Apple Final Cut Pro and Adobe Premiere Pro offers a robust suite of editing tools and effects.

These industry-standard software packages provide intuitive interfaces and extensive functionalities that streamline the editing process.

4. Keep it Concise

Let’s be real, people’s attention spans are shorter than ever. So, during the video production process, keep those videos short and snappy to keep them hooked. When you’re making your masterpiece, keep it concise without losing your main message.

What’s more?

Chop off any extra fluff and make every scene count. And remember, the platform you’re using matters – it’ll keep your viewers hooked.

Efficiently structure your content, ensuring each scene or shot serves a purpose and contributes to the overall narrative.

But don’t just stop there. It’s essential to consider the platform on which your video will be shared. Instagram and TikTok users like their videos short and sweet, so keep that in mind to max out your engagement.

A woman holding a video camera in front of a group of people.

See also: HitPaw Video Enhancer Review – Best AI Video Enhancer to Upscale Videos.

5. Enhance Audio Quality

Your audio quality can make or break your video. If your sound’s wack, it’ll totally distract your audience and kill the vibe. So, up your audio editing game during production to set things in order. Get rid of background noise, pops, and all those annoying sounds that mess with your dialogue and make it sound off.

You can use audio editing software like Audacity or some noise reduction tools to level up your audio quality. And don’t forget about the beats – adding some background music can take your video to the next level. Just make sure it matches the mood and vibe you’re going for. It’s like the secret sauce that stirs up emotions and keeps your viewers glued.

That’s not all.

Use sound effects. They can amp up certain scenes and make your video pop. Think about how they change the game in movies, right?

Whether it’s a whoosh, a ding, or a dramatic drum roll, sound effects set the mood and grab your audience’s attention. And that’s why your videos, even ones for social media, need to have this critical box checked.

Oh, and make sure the audio levels are steady throughout the video, so your viewers don’t have to constantly juggle with their volume buttons.

Balancing dialogue, music, and sound effects ensures a smooth and enjoyable audio experience.

6. Optimize for Different Platforms

You gotta speak the language of the most popular streaming platforms, my friend. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – they all have their own rules. So, you gotta adapt.

Start with the aspect ratio. Instagram loves those square and vertical videos, while YouTube’s all about the horizontal ones (YouTube Shorts are much like Instagram though!). Match that aspect ratio, and your vid will take up the whole screen, giving your viewers a smooth ride.

Now, video length is another biggie. Shorter videos are the name of the game on social media, where people scroll faster than you can say “double tap”. But on YouTube, viewers are cool with long-form content, so you can dig deeper and make those 15-20-minute videos.

And don’t forget the audience. Each platform has its own crowd, so make sure your content vibes with them. You can also use platform-specific features, like interactive elements and stickers, to spice things up and keep your viewers engaged.

A computer screen with a video player on it.

7. Call to Action (CTA)

Alright, here’s the deal – your video quality might be stellar, but without a clear CTA, your message will land on deaf ears. Your CTA is the most crucial cog in the wheel for your video strategy as it tells your viewers what to do next. It could be visiting your website, subscribing, buying something, or just showing your brand some love.

To make a killer CTA, think about what your video’s all about and what you want your viewers to do. Want them to click on a link? State it. Prefer to get them to comment? Ask them to do so!

Keep it snappy but powerful, so it speaks to your audience and gets them moving. Stick it at the end of your video, so they’ve soaked in your message before you hit them with the action.

You can even use text or graphics on-screen to drive the point home. And if you want to make it even more appealing, use action-packed language like “Subscribe now,” “Click that link to learn more,” or “Sign up for our newsletter.” It’s all about creating that sense of urgency and guiding your viewers step by step.

But remember, your CTA’s have to match your video’s goals. If you’re dropping knowledge about a product, tell them to check out more details or make a purchase. Easy peasy.

8. Test and Analyze

Once you’ve unleashed your video into the wild, it’s time to get all Sherlock Holmes about it and keep a close eye on how it’s performing.

You’d want to know if it’s hitting the mark, right?

Hit up those video hosting platforms and social media sites for some juicy analytics. They spill the beans on what your viewers are up to. But hey, don’t stop there – use some analytics tools for social media too, as they can help you dive deep.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Pay attention to some key stats: view count, watch time, audience retention, and all those engagement KPIs like the heartwarming likes, comments, and shares. These numbers are like clues to how your audience is vibing with your video marketing content.

Take all these clues and crunch them. Look for patterns and trends. Figure out which parts of your video got your audience pumped and which bits sent them into nap mode. This detective work helps you spot your video’s strengths and where it might need a little tweaking.

And here’s the grand finale – use all that feedback and insights to shape your next video-editing moves. If your viewers are high-fiving your editing style, effects, or storytelling skills, make them a permanent fixture in your arsenal. It’s all about keeping your audience hooked and taking your editing game to the next level.

Related: How to Make Good Videos for YouTube? Simple Tips for Beginners!

Final Thoughts

How to Edit Videos Like A Pro to Boost Video ROI: Final Thoughts.

So, there you have it, these tips should be your trusted sidekicks in the quest to edit videos like a boss and amp up your video ROI. Video editing is your superpower, turning plain old footage into mesmerizing stories that grab your audience and make things happen.

And never forget, the secret sauce to killer video editing is all about planning like a champ and always keeping your audience at the center of your strategy. Lay out your goals, spin those engaging tales, and leave your mark on your viewers.

But hold up, it’s not all about tips and tricks. To really ace this game, you must put in the time, and get those creative juices flowing.

So, what are you waiting for? Roll up those sleeves and let your video editing journey begin.

Author: Reena Aggarwal

This article is written by Reena Aggarwal. Reena is the Director of Operations and Sales at Attrock, a result-driven digital marketing company. With 10+ years of sales and operations experience in the field of e-commerce and digital marketing, she is quite an industry expert. She is a people person and considers human resources as the most valuable asset of a company. In her free time, you would find her spending quality time with her brilliant, almost teenage daughter and watching her grow in this digital, fast-paced era.

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