6 Best WordPress Contact Form Plugins For Your Website (2017)

On the off chance that you are a WordPress beginner and have been perusing about the CMS platform. We are almost certain that at this point you have run over the expression “plugins” gazillion times. Presently on the off chance that you are a tech native. We are almost certain you as of now have an obscure thought regarding what it is. For the un-started, here are the means by which we would characterize plugins:

WordPress Plugins are bits of programming snippets that can be added to your WordPress site in order to upgrade its usefulness.

So basically, as WordPress gives you the choice of subjects to improve or make your site outwardly engaging, a similar way it gives you plugins alternatives to help you characterize what all your site can do. WordPress boast of over 45K plugins with over 1.35 Billions aggregate downloads at your fingertips.

6 Best WordPress Contact Form Plugins For Your Website

Okay, let’s concentrate on the current topic. More or less each website has some pages where it can accept user inputs. It may be a “contact us” page, a “get a quote” page, a “submit your opinion/feedback” page or any similar page you can imagine. Say, you are in WordPress and wish to create a similar page where you can add one customized and secure form that your website visitors can use to send you any message. The comprehensive WordPress plugin repository has some exceptional solution for you, free as well as paid. How about we investigate six of the best contact form plugins for WordPress to help limit things down? Check the following list.

1) Contact Form 7


Contact Form 7 is the most well-known frame module in the WordPress archive. It is right now running on a huge number of locales as a result of its straightforwardness and customization highlights. With the module, you can modify and deal with various contact structures, and place them on your locales inside only a few moments.  Change the mail substance anyway you need, and do the majority of this with a portion of the least difficult markup available. The best part is that the module is very spotless, permitting it to function admirably with different modules and instruments, for example, Akismet spam separating, CAPTCHA and Ajax-fueled submitting.  A portion of the highlighted highlights:

  • Pick where to send the messages – this can be any client and any email address.
  • Include a field for document connection.
  • Include a field for sending a duplicate of the message to the client who rounds out the contact shape. A duplicate will be sent to the email address indicated while rounding out the contact frame.
  • Ability to change a name when the fields are shown and much more.
Demo/Example: You do not need to go anywhere to see a live example of Contact Form 7. Just go to the contact us page of our website. You can see it live.

2) Ninja Forms


Ninja Form is a freemium frame module for WordPress. It uses a semi-complex easy to understand drag-and-drop interface to make shapes.

Pros: The module has a free otherwise known as “lite” variant, which can be downloaded from the WordPress vault for nothing. However, it has constrained components. Yet, you can utilize it to make semi-complex structures effectively. There is a wide assortment of paid augmentations to amplify the usefulness of the module. These including membership shapes, installment structures, et cetera. Behind Ninja Forms, there’s a neighborly and accommodating group in the event that you require any assist or support with the module.
Cons: The main awful thing about this module is the cost of the expansions. On the off chance that you require all the more than a couple of expansions. The cost can go up to two or three hundred dollars for each site. Since the licenses are restricted to various arrangements with higher costs, the more locales you utilize them on.
Demo/Example: As an example, check the left sidebar of Hoover’s Sales Blog. There is a form called “Subscribe to our Newsletter”. Ninja Forms is powering this one.

3) Gravity Forms


Gravity Forms is one of the more well-known premium shape modules to look over. It keeps running from $39 (for one site) to $199 (for boundless destinations). Multi-page structures are a champion element, allowing your clients to round out broad structures and view how much longer they have until fulfillment. You can even point of confinement your entrances in case you’re running a challenge and just need to acknowledge, say, 50 passages.  Propelled fields acquire data like sites, record transfers, and road addresses. Join plan structures to permit individuals to set up arrangements. Experiment with valuing or post fields for a definitive customization encounter. Also, standard fields are likewise included, for posting things like radio catches, section fields and drop down boxes.

Demo/Example: The is a good live example of Gravity forms present on the home page of absolutely-not-guilty.com website. Go to their home page and scroll down to the section where you can find a link called “Click to Apply to the Academic Achiever Scholarship”. Once you click on that link, it will open a very long form. This form is created using Gravity forms.

4) Fast  Secure Contact Form


Fast Secure Contact Form it’s a simple and capable shape developer for WordPress. It takes care of your spammer’s issue, it hinders every single computerized spammer. As a matter of course, shape accompanies standard fields. Yet you can include or evacuate additional fields and you can re-arrange moreover.  A portion of the highlighted highlights:

  • Backup/reestablish instrument. You can reinforcement/reestablish every one of your structures or single structures and setting.
  • Send mail to single or numerous contacts.
  • Optional – divert to any URL after message sent.
  • Optional – affirmation email message.
  • CAPTCHA can be killed or avoided signed in clients as well as administrators.
  • Customizable shape field marks.
  • New PHP Sessions are no longer empowered of course taking into account best similarity with servers, reserving, subjects, and different modules. This ought to determine any PHP sessions related issues a few clients had.
  • Save messages to the WordPress database, or fare to CSV or Excel.
  • I18n dialect interpretation bolsters and much more. Impressive!
Pros: It’s a totally free module with no paid overhauls. It has all the essential elements, for example, CAPTCHA and SMTP that you have to make a basic contact frame.
Cons: The module concentrates on basic contact frames. So it doesn’t offer propelled usefulness, for example, membership shapes, installment reconciliations, and others. The absence of additional items can be a major issue for a few, yet others may welcome the effortlessness.
Demo/Example: As per live example, the contact page of BoardingArea is implemented a simple contact form using this plugin. You can have a look.

5) Formidable Forms


Formidable forms structures is a free module that additionally accompanies two master renditions, estimated at $47 (for one site) and $117 (for boundless destinations). The module creator pitches that you can get a frame up and run on your site inside 60 seconds, and this is surely valid.  Impressive Forms has a simplified manufacturer for night the minimum proficient website admins. Email warnings are smooth and clear, and you can make frames with up to seven handle sorts. Import and fare shapes with XML, don’t hesitate to send a few structures to the waste and tweak HTML and CSS to make your frame precisely the way you need. Alongside shortcodes and autoresponders, you can’t turn out badly with Formidable Forms.

Demo/Example: The yali.state.gov is currently using the pro version of formidable forms. Just go to their website check the left sidebar. You can find one form called “Join our Network”.

6) Pirate Forms


Pirate Forms is a free contact frame module, which guarantees to reach shape to your site so significantly less demanding. A portion of the key components incorporates SMTP Option, Captcha, and simple of customization.

Pros: The module is free, no gated highlights. Accompanies every fundamental component, for example, CAPTCHA to stop spam and SMTP.
Cons: Since it concentrates on the simple utilize and the essential needs of a contact frame, the module may lake a few elements you would anticipate from a shape developer. With the absence of extensibility, structures like installment structures, membership and other are impractical.
Demo/Example: Although we have not able to find out a live example of this pirate forms, you can check some screenshots here.


6 Best WordPress Contact Form Plugins For Your Website - conclusion

With so many good contact form plugins for WordPress out on the market, it’s not easy to choose the one the fulfills our needs. Above I listed plugins that I think are currently the best ones.

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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".