9 Ways to Become a Better Mobile App Developer Through Teamwork

Without an efficient and hardworking team, no project has ever gone successfully to heights. A mobile app is not only about creating, developing an app for the sake of the user. It’s basically more than an app. It’s the combined effort of all the members in a team. When a team works in harmony, it’s quite evident that the result will be better than expected.

To make sure that the team performs dedicatedly, and every individual’s contribution is applauded, there are certain parameters that are needed to be followed by mobile app developers or designers. These factors not only enhance the performance but also keep a tab on all app developers and designers to be responsible and fulfill their duty as aligned.

Below are 9 ways to becomes better mobile app developer and designer through teamwork.


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1. Transparent Communication

Become a Better Mobile App Developer Through Teamwork - Point 1A transparent communication amongst team members promotes real and valid communication between the team members. The designers and developers need to work hand in hand in order to come up with a best mobile app. Without any transparent communication, it becomes really hard to understand the current state, the expectation, the changes and etc.

2. Empower Team Members

Become a Better Mobile App Developer Through Teamwork - Point 2While you might be expert at your work, it doesn’t guarantee that others too can be very good at it. A team consists of all kind of people and it’s important to respect everyone’s talent. You can appreciate your team members regularly. This will encourage and motivated them to perform their best.

3. Align Self-goals with Business Vision

Become a Better Mobile App Developer Through Teamwork - Point 3While every individual has its own personal goals to achieve while working for an organization, it’s also important to keep the focus on meeting business objectives too. To best way to achieve both is to give direction to the team. When the members have greater visibility into the business, they ensure to utilize their technical skills that can bring a deeper understanding to bear on achieving business goals.

4. Encourage Out of the Box Ideas

Become a Better Mobile App Developer Through Teamwork - Point 4Mainstream ideas are on par these days. Being in the job of creating a mobile app, it’s important to be filled with ideas that have not been incorporated yet. A good designer shall promote the intent of coming with ideas that are out of the box. It could be a technical suggestion, animation, visualization or anything. Such encouragement motivates team members to bring out their best and they tend to be more connected with you.

5. Follow Cross Functional Theory

Become a Better Mobile App Developer Through Teamwork - Point 5While every individual is expert in their respective field, there’s always more in exploring their talent. A good designer or a mobile app developer would implement ways to get the most from the development team. The best way is to split the team and mix them into cross-functional teams.

This would gradually pool talent from the various facade of the business. Working for a project like mobile app development and designing, such mix and match are beneficial most of the time as members themselves are not aware of what they could achieve with the cross-functional theory.


6. Learning and Development

Become a Better Mobile App Developer Through Teamwork - Point 6While many leaders think that what they have is perfect to go with, they often forget that continuous learning and development can enhance the team knowledge and prepare them for futuristic projects or challenges. It’s important to ensure that the team is periodically developed and trained with the latest technologies, trends, market scenario, upgrades and etc.

7. Open Platforms

Become a Better Mobile App Developer Through Teamwork - Point 7While there are ways to interact with the team, it, however, does not guarantee that the team is comfortable with using it. For team success, it is extremely important to support them with a creative, feasible, available platform that they can use to make instant communication without any hassle.

For instance, the Slack platform can be used for group messaging, WhatsApp for personal messaging, any project management tool to keep track of projects like Trello.

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8. Teach and Learn

Become a Better Mobile App Developer Through Teamwork - Point 8Despite the talent that you acquire, there could be certain situations where you would learn something new from someone in your team. One cannot be perfect but can be near to perfect with such gathering where you learn something new with every other person. Likewise, it’s a great opportunity to prove yourself as a good teacher too. You get the chance to share your talent and knowledge with others.

9. Celebrate Success

Become a Better Mobile App Developer Through Teamwork - Point 9There would days of sadness, burden, fights, workload but the result definitely is much-admired mobile app flourished with best of designs and best of codes. A good mobile app developer, designer or team leader shall take the advantage and celebrate success with the entire team. The chances of success of other apps increase with the morale you incorporate in a team. It’s always good to take out time to pat yourself and the team on the back.


Become a Better Mobile App Developer Through Teamwork - conclusion

Finally, to conclude, there are no strict ways to be a good mobile app developer or designer. But yes, there are suggestions that can help your team to jointly perform and give the best results possible. Few of the ways are already inhibited in almost all individual while others are learned with time and experience. Nonetheless, the result is surely positive as a team when working towards similar goals is strive to achieve success.

Author-Image-Siya-CarlaThis article is written by Siya Carla. She is the Solution Consultant at Finoit Technologies, a leading custom software development company which provides unique web design and mobile app development services. By creating interactive mobile apps for 450+ customers across the globe, Finoit enjoys a great reputation as a prominent mobile app development company. Follow her: Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn | Google+.

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