15 Inspirational Speech Marks from SEO Leaders (infographic)

Wikipedia says; A leader is one who influences or leads others.

Well, thatโ€™s true. A leader is all that; an inspiration, an influence and a pioneer in his field. But halt and think again. Is it all a leader is about? Are leaders the born geniuses who knew what to do right from the start or they are the one who were consistent even after initial failures?

Every leader starts as a follower and his vision is often considered as โ€œdaydreamโ€ which seldom comes to the realization. SEO leaders are such people who never had SEO in their DNA but their vision and efforts placed them where they are today. They never cared what people said for them because now; they are the face and voice of SEO. It is difficult to say whether they are successful SEOs or SEO is successful because of them.

You know what is the sure way to not fail?

Following the footsteps of the people who are at the top of their game. They are the trendsetters and you can trust them. SEO is confusing and time-consuming and often you will doubt your capabilities. Looking up to the leaders of your niche, you can channel the positivity back.

This infographic is all about those leaders who were just not ready to give up. They were not ready to quit even after failures (lots of them). Just take 5 minutes out of your busy lives and read them. If you are stuck and you cannot take a decision read them. Who knows; these few lines may help you to steer your efforts in the productive direction. Who knows; next year you have your own place at one of such infographics?

So, are you ready to get inspired? What are we waiting for? Letโ€™s get started.

15 Inspirational Speech Marks from SEO Leaders (infographic):


This infographic is submitted and originally published by John Smith. He is in charge of content and social media strategy for 10seos.com, one of the finest rating and reviewing segments. The company unveils the global and local listings of the best SEO companies operating in different localities.
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Published By: Souvik Banerjee

Souvik BanerjeeWeb developer and SEO specialist with 20+ years of experience in open-source web development, digital marketing, and search engine optimization. He is also the moderator of this blog "RS Web Solutions (RSWEBSOLS)".